
My friend still has the top tier. even tho I work out of state all the time, I still use it. I’m able to watch on my tablet...and my phone.

I’m sure there are loopholes in that agreement that Microsoft can drive Bezos’ Penii shaped rocket thru .

So in a city where you can urinate on the street ,commit homicide and go free, have a car accident with Injuries and police will not respond..

The apple pie was an indulgence we would only get a few times per year, and it was magnificent! Usually paired with that McDo shake that has more salt than an order of fries (true).

I kind of got the vibe, Cavill was Overly Purist when he refused to game on a console.

I don’t think they necessarily start out that way. The writers just get caught up on the heroism of the moment.

I think they said they were thinking one season per book . Soooo, yeah .

Spoiler Alert!:

I vote for

Would this perspective bleed over to your feelings about the all new Black Panther ?

They were probably more like Intl Shipping Containers. 😂😊

Gunn did such a bang up job with the new Suicide Squad (facetious) 😜

They have a cute robot.

I can only judge by my own enjoyment , but IMHO, The Mandalorian is my personal favorite . It didn't seem as slow-paced as Andor and not as irritating as Obi-Wan.

Or estrogen 🤣🤣.

I foresee in 10 years,netflix will just be a memory.

Yeah yeah,you can’t raise those monthly subscription rates to the sky without some belt tightening! 🤯

If we hadn’t just seen Black Adam yesterday. I’d be pissed!

Sounds like you’re describing Netflix .

At least there’s enough of them to go around (and around). They're like Kardashians! 😯