
I have the inkling that it IS INDEED the success of The Witcher that caused the producers to WANT Cavill back in the roll. Obviously there have been other actors portraying superman here and there since Cavill did it. They could easily have chosen anyone..Liam Hemsworth 😂😂 for instance.

“The Grind” of series acting barely exists any longer. Every new Guild contract they cut the number of shows in a season.

I know its almost 2022 and this feature may have come and gone by now.

I have to disagree somewhat with kudos for slow pacing. When the pacing becomes too slow, it starts to feel like I’m watching genl hospital.. It becomes a soap opera drama. What attracts people to try a show like this is the promise of something exciting.. Super powers.

Unfortunately,the hook for season 2 was kind of a loser. It’s like taking an episode of star trek from the 60s and stretching it out over an entire season.

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