The portability I would say is the main selling point. Personally I have no use for a portable system and have other means to play games on the go if I chose.
The portability I would say is the main selling point. Personally I have no use for a portable system and have other means to play games on the go if I chose.
My bad, 2 games. Mario and Splatoon.
Mario Odyssey and??
Why? I already played through Zelda. Not buying it just for Mario.
Trolling fanboyism at it’s finest. Nintendo expanding to the mobile market to make a cash grab isn’t the same thing, right?
Exactly why I would like to see Nintendo exapnd to PC.
Wouldn’t have to buy a console I’d never play for those 2 whole games I’d want to try.
The other commentor fanboy on here wants to assume I only play/played PC games.
Oh no I can’t say I’d like to see Nintendo games on PC!! OMG WORLD COMING TO AN END!!!
Here we go with the Nintendo/console fanboys. Don’t bring Nintendo games to PC!!! We want to overpay for a weak console and pay $60/game.
Cost and I have no desire to buy a console for a handful of 1st party games.
Rather campaign for Nintendo games to come to PC.
How do you really feel?
Scariest part of RE.
Or is it the best?
And they found...
I’ve never used Steam’s streaming as I have my PC hooked up to my monitor in my office and TV in the living room.
Heavily modified Subaru STI. As reliable as they come. :)
Shocking news. CEO makes 4321930823928 times what the employees do, collects multi-million dollar bonuses while laying off staff.
But Vectorman is a playable game. :D