Reminded me of
Jail cell gif’s already? He does love a good mouth full of pudding.
Which is odd, I’ve never had it happen on Win 7 and didn’t happen on Win 10 until the last major update.
And brake
Tesla is really trying to take on Ford at thier own game. Mustangs usually just burnout and aim for crowds, Tesla’s aims for anything and everything.
I have no hibernate file, disabled fast boot, power settings on max performance. For some reason if I reboot or shutdown it still “saves” my current states. If I shutdown or reboot with a browser or window open it will pop up again on boot. Hmmmm....
Something is not right.
Recycle Bin???
I think a better name for their group would be Anonymous.
Fake news! There are no Overwatch groupies. O_o
The got some bad meth....injection
Charming? Dude is creepy as fuk and has an ego the size of Texas.
*Pulls out SSB, 007, Mech Assault
God, I wish that was true.
I see this crap every day. People too bothered to flip a bitch up ahead or take the next exit and back track. Better to stop in traffic and try and slowly wedge over a million lanes.
The best part is it’s really just a crazy Rick and Morty type game. Not really much or any accounting being used. :)
If you have access to VR you should try accounting
I need to be a farmer. Green crops and gaming?? That’s my idea of a good time!