
I note you did nothing to refute those facts, son.

idk dude I really don’t think it’s such a big deal for a developer to go “oh we didn’t realize there was a slur there, cool beans it’s out”.

Sme people, myself included, don’t care about what you say. Actions speak louder than words. Say what you want, but once you start to actually do something to harm me, then we have a problem. I am fairly certain that gimpydingo feels the same. Nobody cares if someone is gay or straight or w/e but stop trying to make


That’s also wrong, you let idiotic opinions out to destroy them, not suppress them. Because then they go underground and can’t meet any resistance.

Also, this article refers to a small country, not America, if that is what is being discussed... and it’s talking about Sharia law.

Ah, but wait... you’re being

For or against? “PC” is simply a butthurt whine heard from rightwingers, fascists and other garbage people when they get smacked for spewing hate speech against minorities.

Take your “pc” and go fuck yourself with it.

It’s a great thing on a slow news day.  I don’t know how you keep going like this.  Meth?

I just read every word in every one of your comments.  You’re a treasure on a boring Friday.

Exactly. It’s a post-apocalyptic future in which you murder other people, yet the most outrageous thing is a non-PC internet joke.

You know may tag in case you get divorced.

Good to see there’s someone else on Kotaku doing the lords work. Will you marry me?

Censorship has now changed the artists intended vision of the game. For whatever reason they decided it was right for the game. Who are you to tell the world there was no reason for the art? You can’t speak for the design artist, so don’t spread false intent. I have never played the Division 2, (or 1 for that matter)

Yeeeep. Just about sums it up.

Get out of here with this bullshit.

1. TD2 isn't going anywhere, 2. Grow a pair you sissy snowflake. You think that is bad? Hop on every GTA game starting from the 1st one 😆😆

H4??? Subaru???? I have a Built Bugeye, STi’d out GC8 and a 2018 Type RA STi

Don’t even bother wasting your breath dude. These cry babies libs are hypocritical to the max here. Like you said, no one cares that the image is a swipe at police they just care that it has a bad word about gay people.....

These same people are the types who told me I should die in another thread on this site because

Absolutely. My brother is gay and I support him in any way I can and the moment he told me this word was taboo (back when I was an ignorant high schooler), I deleted it from my verbal vocabulary. It’s definitely agree it’s part of the game setting and isn’t inherently targeting any groups. I think if someone were to

I wouldn’t say the artist is low-IQ, I guarantee he’s brighter than most. He’s definitely not PC, but I’m fine with that. In a game rated ‘M for mature’ I wish the targeted audience who enjoyed the game weren’t so childish about the content inclusion.

So, did the cop make the donut come?