Steam Engine

I have been a reader for more than a decade. This site, its brilliant writers, staff, and commentators, has helped distract me through bad breakups, depression, sudden deaths in the family, and horrible bosses. It is a daily escape, a refuge to a place that makes one realize how ridiculous this whole pageant is.

This is the rainbow after the storm. 

Feeling the same way. Obviously this affects the staff and their income the most, but it feels like a little bit of my life is disappearing.  I've been reading and commenting since 09 or so, and I...don't really know where to turn to if this ship does completely sink.  Never thought a stupid fucking website could make


Carrying an huge, heavy, oversized object in front of you while running is not easy.  Just ask Chris Jones.

Looks like comments were deleted and disabled. I clicked on Show Pending and ad. For Kelly Bluebook.

Flacco Manager 2020 

more like GFYJETS

Yeah Frank, he is totally not ready for the English game. 

Doubt they will allow that many prison furloughs. 

He will need that prize money if he only eats Whole Foods.

You couldn’t even make out the Bellarmine girls since it was filmed at knight. 

Booger calling out shitty play or shitty officiating has been refreshing.  I'm sure ESPN has gotten a few angry calls from the NFL though. 

“Yes, drop it on his feet. Slower. Slower.”

The further and wider I go, the flatter I become, like a starfish.

Thanks for having faith in me, Dad.

This is the appropriate response

Oh so its funny when they fall off the wagon, but not when I do?

My wife and I have been looking for a spark in the bedroom, and surprisingly it was also Ryan Fitzpatrick. 

Doh! Ha!