Gimme Some Sugar

If I can ask... how long was it after diagnosis when things started getting “bad”? I know it’s all very subjective and anecdotal, it’s just that my dad seems pretty together mentally so far, I mostly notice the physical difficulties.

That’s sound advice, thank you (although I’m sorry that it sounds like you learned through your own hard experience...)

Thank you — we’re okay for now (it’s early stage and I think a bit of denial is unavoidable right now).

DAMMIT. My dad was just diagnosed with “either Parkinsons’s with dementia or LBD, time will tell”, so I’ve been reading up on them all week. Had never heard of LBD previously. Hate hearing how fast it came on for Williams, while he was still so young. What a waste of a wonderful mind.

Whoa. So well done it took me a moment to see who it was.

Ding Ding Ding.

Given that she has never involved her kids despite being involved with refugees rights for years now, I imagine that Angelina a) agrees with you re parental veto rights, and/or b) agrees with you that it’s no place for kids and this was all just spin and bullshit.

That was (gently) sarcastic hyperbole.

It’s actually a VERY SUBTLE and genius play on his (or more likely his team’s) part. Just look at all the feedback you’re getting -- people are assuming Jolie is a crazy do gooder who would traipse with her brood into an active war zone, likely for attention.

She’ll probably assume that SAYING she will and naming her candidate to her loyal masses will bring in far more votes than hers and more than compensate.

Accompanied by Drunk Sleep Farts.

Agree that *perception* at least, is that AJ would not stand for abuse of her kids. IF that’s true, and IF this event is being reported correctly and something physical/abusive actually happened (I think we’re all feckless assholes if we jump to any conclusions, since we don’t know shit about these people) ... then

“Either it was reported by an employee of Angelina’s, or Angelina knew that it was about to be reported and she had to get ahead of that story.”

... is Crawl Space the latest euphemism for My Crotch?

She’s like a premature ejaculation Beetelgeuse — you really only need to say Marc Jacobs ONCE..

“And not only do I *personally* not see color/race — I have the power to make these things no longer exist in greater society.”

Kara, have you been following the Michael Rappaport vs The Root “I’m going to sue you for blocking me” twitter rant?

I hope the first case he presides over is The People vs Who The FUCK Took My Eyebrows.

Oh Gods, this made my day. Please be true.

Oh, I would not be surprised if there’s a completely vain, self serving aspect (as I said: narcissist). I’ve just known my share of narcissists who see their kids as status symbols, and there is often little evident (public) fondness or affection running either direction between parent/grown children. So this still