GimmeKnowledge The Grey

There are pockets of extreme, “third world” poverty all over our country, but they’re often hidden on the back roads that most tourists and travelers don’t see - or don’t notice. Tucked in between the million dollar cabins in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan are rusted trailers and mobile homes without running water.

The lack of job opportunities in some areas is what shocks me. You’ll drive through entire communities, and not see anything beyond a couple gas stations. Everyone within 15 or 20 miles is driving to the same “town” to work at a dying hardware store for minimum wage, or sitting at homes waiting on checks for the

PREACH. I live in a town of about 1,500 in the rural deep south. There are huge swaths of this country, the richest country in the world, where living conditions for many are as abysmal as those in any ‘third world’ nation. It’s nigh impossible to get medical care. There is one small clinic in my county (which is

Honestly, I don’t think people realize how poor some parts of the country are. I live on a reservation and it’s pretty bad.

In Appalachia once for a service project, my group was painting trailers. We went to clean off the roof of one man’s living room - it was black with what we thought was grime. It was cockroaches. Wall to wall.

Is this going to be another, ‘Millions of people are killed in car accidents every year, but I don’t see any dang liberals asking to ban cars. I can assemble and disassemble my AR-15 blindfolded, I shouldn’t be restricted,’ posts?

Oh, I fully believe that a lot of the people who say, ‘I just have a gun to protect myself or my family,’ secretly dream of that happening. They aren’t reluctant warriors—they yearn for the day when someone will offend them and they can whip out their gun and settle the score.

All it needs is a kraken!

People think that gun ownership means you can use the gun as you see fit. If it’s okay for you to have it, it’s okay for you to shoot it, right? See also that idiot woman who shot at the shoplifters in the parking lot.

This is the country we seem to have chosen for ourselves.

And again, “an armed society is a polite society “ proves to be false.

It wouldn’t surprise me. I moved to Dallas a couple years ago for work, and this city is full of aggressively incompetent drivers. Early on I honked at a driver who dangerously cut me off on the highway, and the guy spent the next two miles switching lanes all around me so he could flip me off from every direction. If

I believe there are a handful of small rural towns in which gun ownership is mandatory; failure to comply punishable by law.

But we don’t need no gun control laws, nosirree! And if a lovely young woman’s life is ended before it could even begin by some waste of skin who was too shortsighted/idiotic/drunk/sociopathic/all four to care about the consequences of his actions well, that’s the price we have to pay!

They could have lined up, side to side, and all opened fire! Modern day pirate ship battle

“You’ve offended me! I should probably totally murder you, now.”

But they have open carry in Texas! How is it possible none of these drunken sorors was pistol-packing??!

2016: Off to a great start.

Did not a single sorority sister have a gun of their own on them? So tragic and so easily prevented with just another gun.

i wonder if the murderer had a open carry permit