GimmeKnowledge The Grey

Seriously. I follow multiple pathology instagrams voluntarily, and I’m not sure I’m keeping my dinner down after this article.

Domestic violence is a human problem, really. Although, by virtue of the larger size of men, there is a difference between male and female death rates due to intimate partner violence.

“shoving your agenda down everybody’s throats”

Yes, we’ve noticed that about you.

Most, if not all, conservatives are scared, simple minded people. If they didn’t have the power to ruin lives I would feel really sorry for them.

If we really believe he did that. He doesn’t strike me as a trustworthy person.

Me too. I’m glad I read this while I was by myself, otherwise my happy/sad sobs would have been really embarrassing.

I think this is a job for the Cool Pope signal!

Thank you.

Thank you. I’m a native Californian, and I appreciate what you do for all of us, documented and undocumented.

Rape victim here. I’m not being mocked by holding a rapist accountable for rape. If he had been charged with theft that would have been making a mockery of human decency.

My face literally (and I don’t mean figuratively) hurts from my inability to stop making the “Eww, WTF are you making me think about?” face. Apparently, I do that mostly with my left side.

I hope that one day she will look back on this with regret and shame, but I’m not holding my breath.

Keep in mind the reason they’re trying to piss us off is because their poor little racist, sexist fee-fees are hurt because they aren’t being allowed a space on legitimate sites to spew their bullshit. That makes their presence on here, and other places, amusing instead of irritating for me. I still keep reporting and

Foldercolor is a racist troll. Dismissing all of his reply posts would do this comment section a serious favor.

I’ve noticed around ten or so new trolls who seem to have come from r/coontown (their butthurt is sweet) or stormfront. They think they are somehow “punishing” gawker for running stories about reddit’s many issues, by posting here and showing us exactly how stupid they are.

It would be great if this post could be stickied. It should be the first thing everyone sees on articles like these.

Why did Dead Like Me have to end so soon? I could have watched a decade of that show, at least.

I’m not southern, but I live in California and I’m right there with you. My husband and I would be getting down a lot more if we lived somewhere cooler.