GimmeKnowledge The Grey

I am so sorry you had to go through that. :( Teaching is a tough job and it sucks when parents make it harder instead of easier. I just hate dealing with people who assume that they are so smart or well-educated that they know everything. There is always more to learn. Always. If you’re done learning it’s because you

I was thinking about this the other day because I was reading about the director’s apology for casting in Gods of Egypt. Where even Ava DuVernay was like commending him for apologizing because that pretty much never happens. Not that it makes it all okay. But it’s something. Just knowing you’ve been heard resonates.

Reading this it strikes me that something we are not teaching children enough about is the importance of admitting when wrong or ignorant, apologizing for the mis-deed, and attempting to make amends. Generally I think unfortunately life tends to favor those who double-down, refuse to accept any possibility of

And, unfortunately, men of color WRT sexism women of color have to deal with.

Yup, white women too regarding racial diversity.

Yeah- that whole “I knew I was wrong, but instead of acknowledging and saying I felt bad about it, I decided to whine about being reminded that I had fucked up” doesn’t go over that well, does it?

“just shut the fuck up and listen” is how my mother raised me, and now as a grown man I enjoy learning new things and being taught. However, you are right though.

“I had no choice really. I’ve been black and a woman all my life. I have worked in this business for 20 years. I’m 43. It was one of those things. Literally in that moment, was I going to risk public humiliation, bringing up this opinion, or deal with shame and excuses: ‘You let that go by?’ That’s a big

But that’s the thing. It’s NOT okay to admit you don’t know. When people talk about how the patriarchy hurts EVERYONE this is part of it. There are so many small ways that we teach boys and men that they DO know everything, that they alone can understand all, and upon their glorious shoulders rests the fate of the

“By the time we arrived to do our judging, we knew we had blown it, so Ben and I were already frustrated and upset about that,” he said. “So when Effie brought it up, it was like, yes, O.K., we got it.”

I’ve worked with a lot of Harvard grads. Am not impressed. “Oh, you went to school in Boston? Yeah, okay.”

Why do you so many white guys have a Pavlovian reaction when diversity or race comes up? It is like they have strokes and get all nervous discussing it. It is OK to admit you don’t know or only have a white man perspective instead of digging a bigger hole. Or just shut the fuck and listen and the conversation might

I think if we give it enough time, Jared Padelecki’s mutton chops will cross his face.

What I hear is: we realized we fucked up in one area and instead of being called out on it and apologizing for it and then working to address it, we were “frustrated”. Because we were frustrated we said fuck it completely and chose to ride further in the coattails of white mediocrity and then shame a black woman who

As a white male who’s opinions are frequently unpopular here even I gotta say...

“I was wrong. I should have done better. I will try to do better in the future.”

How hard what it be for him to say something like:

The story spends some time extolling Damon’s intelligence, noting that he attended, but did not graduate from, Harvard.

Matt, Matt, Matt. So many words, so little sense.