GimmeKnowledge The Grey

I cannot WAIT for 2015 to end. I think I only know two people who would say they had good years, and they both had babies. Most of my friends dealt with at least one major stressor - deaths, marital issues, relationships ending, trouble on-ramping back into the workforce, money woes. I got laid off, had a death in the

I feel the same way...sorta. I now accept that the world is full of ugliness and it will never end. Horrible people will continue to do despicable things and get away with it and some people will know no end to their suffering. The only thing I can do it work on making myself and my kids better, more compassionate

Starting to feel the Bern”

If everyone who feels this way gets off their asses and votes, yes! I have to have hope in the American public. Have to.

‘Demon Robin Hood’ just made me spit my tea out

Its admirable that you see new beginnings in the date change. Sadly, I just see the same old shit show with a different date.

I kind of want to look like demon Robin Hood. That sounds pretty sweet actually.

When I was first discovering the joys of smoking weed and watching things you loved as a child I put on the Prince and the Pauper episode of Wishbone and it was transcendent.

American Horror Story: Dark Side of Glee. Written and Directed by Ryan Murphy

My brother recently grew a goatee because he can't grow a beard and I've been begging him to shave it off because he looks like demon Robin Hood

A month or so ago I would have said yes, that’s insane (and I like him). But lately I feel like my answer is “...maybe?”

I love wish bone :) I used to watch it after school

OT, but one of my favorite Wishbone episodes was “The Paw-loined Letter”.

I have to admit that I am now feeling the Bern. I’m conflicted about it but the dude is very very appealing.

Bernie should be our nominee. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

“Unless we go after the billionaire class...” Jesus Gawd. A crazy grandpa after my own heart. I, too, have recently started feeling the Bern...

I was still undecided on who my primary vote would go to but I think Bernie has won it now.

I dunno guys. I’m starting to feel the Bern. He is a breath of fresh air. Is it crazy to think he could really pull this thing off? (According to polling he currently has a higher chance of beating Trump than Hillary)

Where are all those people that claimed Sanders had “no support” in the black community? That notion that Sanders is destined to lose is a self fulfilling prophecy perpetuated by people who are too invested in the status quo to demand real change in government.