GimmeKnowledge The Grey

Just dismiss the creep. From his posts, he seems to insinuate that he sexually abused someone as a teen. Even if he didn’t, he supports just sweeping it under the rug.

It absolutely is rampant. I grew up in a fundie community, and I started being molested at age four or five. First by a much older cousin, and then by my father. Neither was punished, even though local police (they were also part of the community) got involved. My cousin was a minor, so they did the talk with the cop

I hate this selfish child hoarder. As someone who has health problems related to prematurity, fuck her. Not to mention that a 65 year old body will not be able to maintain as healthy of a fetal environment, then add to that the issues of being a multiple (I was the only surviving baby out of triplets). These kids will

Terry Pratchett felt that too many exclamation marks were a sure sign of a diseased mind. I’m inclined to agree with him.

Hey, we can be vodka siblings tonight! I’m a couple of shots down already.

Yep. I know nobody cares about my lady boner, but damn...

And I enjoyed it. I just got to the end and was like “What happened to the cat I expected to be in this story? Oh, there isn’t one, I’m just tired and making silly assumptions. Got it.” The sensation was similar to stepping off a stair onto the ground when you expected another stair to be there.

They are disturbingly accurate. I still want you to do a review even though I know how awful they are. I think I’ve just learned something not so flattering about myself.

I’m so sorry. I would be pretty upset if I was in your shoes.

I really thought there was going to be a cat in that story...

If you think it might cause a problem with your job if you don’t go, then go. If it’s not that kind of issue, then yeah, keep saying no.

Tell him to show you the part of the bible that talks about the rapture. Hint: He won’t be able to find it.

I’m glad you’re working on being happy being you! I’ve always been heavy, and more muscular than the accepted beauty standards, but I figure all the people that have tried to get in my pants can’t be wrong. I’m right there with you on the hairy legs thing. Consider not tanning though, it’s terrible for you :D

I also love these commercials. I’ve actually gone to the trouble of looking them up on youtube.

Emotional abuse is still abuse. And to me it sounds like emotional abuse. I was physically, sexually and emotionally abused by my father, and the emotional abuse has been the hardest for me to get over. It gets inside your head, and makes you doubt everything about yourself and the world. Please look into what

I irritate a lot of people with my need to Know All The Things, but it’s basically the core of my identity, so fuck ‘em.

I got married in my early twenties. I never had an Epic Heartbreak Moment with That Person. I had a couple of short meh relationships, and a lot of casual sex before I found my husband, but that’s it. I’m now in my mid thirties and we’re still going strong. Doubts happen, of course, because people change over time,

I’m so sorry. I hope she comes around on her own soon.

Kids are definitely less free now, but if you compare the 70s violent crime rate per capita with the current violent crime rate, kids would actually be as safe/safer alone now then they were when you were a kid.