GimmeKnowledge The Grey

Jeez. Buy your own ducky hairpin lady... Did the baby even have enough hair for a pin or was this woman hoping to get herself a cute new accessory via infant facilitated extortion?

I know the feeling, I was 17 when the first GTA came out. I feel like an Ancient, not just an Old. Of course, my mom has been gaming since Pong and shows no signs of giving it up, so I guess I’m doomed to feel more and more out of place on gaming forums and blogs.

I’m the same way. My dad was too. The angrier we got, the harder we’d cry. We both were also brawlers in school, which I’m sure disturbed many people. Imagine someone weeping while kicking your ass. (Yes, I am ashamed of my violent past)

That is amazing. There’s a couple of seriously creepy people in this thread though.

I think we all win, really.

I came to the comments section for this. I’m glad it’s here and I’m not the only crazy person here.

I just wish the person that had applied them had a better grasp of form and color. A gradient of both would have looked awesome in my opinion. This kind of looks diseased to me.

You know, I’m closing in on 35... I don’t think I’m ever going to be a mature adult.

I don’t know why, but for certain people who have died, every time someone mentions them it’s like I’m finding out they died for the first time. Robin Williams, Terry Pratchett, and Peter Steele all give me that feeling of intense grief.

Agreed. It would feel like a little bit of justice.

And even then he wouldn’t be able to choose. I’m bisexual, and I can’t just shut off my attraction to one sex. Someone who is sexy to me shows up, male or female or other, and I have a physical reaction to them. Same with all orientations. The only thing people can decide is whether to act on attraction or not.

Sometimes my pansexual fantasies come true in real life (imagining a me sandwich with pre and post as the bread), but then I feel guilty because this guy is just living his life while one part of my brain only cares about its ladyboner. The rest of my brain is just happy for him, and happy for the progress we have

Antibacterial soap is terrible for you and the environment, and our species continued ability to use antibiotics.

Yeah, that’s really the only type of logic to be found here. Conservative men don’t see women as equal to them, and conservative women are gullible and/or so selfish that as long as they aren’t directly affected by a policy issue they DGAF.

That quote was one of the things I was thinking about when I posted. I don’t think enough people have studied history in more than a “I have to for school” way.


Thank you for this.

Conservatives and fundie Christians will absolutely argue with facts, though. It’s pretty much all they do, unless you count lacking empathy and hating education.

Unfortunately, some idiots do believe that story. Some of them are in this comment section, and I worry that they aren’t just trolling.

I would switch birth control methods, but hormonal birth control is the only thing keeping me from bleeding to death when my period hits (not hyperbole I’ve had to have multiple transfusions). I guess I could just have a hysterectomy...