She feels guilt exactly the same way I do. That poor woman.
She feels guilt exactly the same way I do. That poor woman.
She might be around you all the time already. We (women) are taught by negative experience to hide our interests in nerdy activities. If we do admit our interests we are constantly challenged to show our geek cred before being taken seriously, and often that isn't even enough. It's tiring, and depressing, so it's…
From a woman that has been gaming (and a member of the nerd-herd when it was a bad thing) since the early 80s, thank you. Thank you so much, it means a lot.
The good news is that his brain isn't fully developed for another two years, so after it's out of beta it should work better to parse the information you're pointing out to him. Don't give up hope just yet. :D
I agree.
I grew up poor enough to have to hunt for food and have had to live in shelters and in cars, and I'm a mixed bisexual woman. I have privilege, just less than you do. Most of my privilege comes at the cost of hiding my true self, although some comes from living in a developed nation.
The answer is multi-layered, but it mostly boils down to unconscious racial bias.
If unconscious racial bias wasn't a factor you might have a point, but I think you need to do some research into how it affects everything from hiring practices to criminal justice.
I'm late to the story, I know. Sorry.
Mine was Red Sonja. That also explains a lot.
I comment early and often, and I try not to be an ass, but I don't think I'm out of the greys on any blog on kinja. I get plenty of stars, but no blog follows. What am I doing wrong?
I'm so sorry.
It might have been serious. You should get checked out as soon as you can, heart attacks can be survived without medical attention but still do terrible damage.
I know it's none of my business and I don't live your life, and I'll totally understand if you tell me to fuck off, but I think it might be time for you to find a more supportive husband. If my husband patronized me that way we would immediately be looking at couples therapy at least. He would definitely be on notice.
Big boob owner here and I have to say,
Thank you. I'm hyper-empathetic and have Asperger's , and it really hurts when people act like being on the spectrum means being sociopathic.
Seriously. My twelve year old son knows more than this guy about anatomy, and I'm sure many other subjects, and he has a learning disability.
As long as you aren't trying to legislate bird reproduction, I think we can give you a pass.
This needs many, many more stars.
I am now terrified. Where was this, just generally? I need to know if I need to move.