GimmeKnowledge The Grey

Ah, maybe that explains it. This thread was confusing me, because I grew up in California and anatomy (including reproductive anatomy) and physiology was taught starting in fifth grade. Sex and it's role in creating pregnancy, was discussed in a clinical, scientific way, but fairly cursorily.

My twelve year old son ran all the way downstairs to see what I was watching, and I didn't have the sound up very far. I think this video may act as some kind of homing beacon.

Did you read the link? It's different when you are in control, like in a bear hunting situation, than it is when a bear is charging at you to get you to GTFO.

The .357 would too. Especially with a bear. Bear spray is better. I'm kind of posting this all over the place because my Aunt lives in rural Alaska and has for decades, and she would never, ever try to use a revolver on a bear. That's a good way to get dead.

For bears it's safer to use bear spray. A bullet will often not kill a bear, and then you have an angry bear on your hands where before you may have just had a territorial one.

My Aunt lives in rural Alaska. She defends herself from bears with bearspray, not a revolver, simply because a bear's skull, skin and fat layer is very thick and shooting a bear can cause a bear that's trying to intimidate to attack instead. She has rifles for hunting, like most members of my family, but they are kept

I get it. Sounds like OCD to me. I lucked out and have both things, OCD and hyper-empathy, and of course anxiety disorder.

Oh, I know my fear of great whites is irrational, that's why I work so hard to get rid of it. Same with my fear of arthropods. I'm huge and dangerous to an insect, and great whites are in much more danger from humans than the other way around.

I'm glad you don't kill them. That's what I have the problem with. You certainly don't have to get used to close up images of spiders, but I was afraid of basically all arthropods as a child/teen, like try-to-run-through-a-wall type afraid, and now I can hold an insect or arachnid barehanded, and the way I did that

I have selachophobia, badly enough that a picture of something that even resembles a great white shark can startle me. But a picture of a great white with it's mouth closed can look really cute to me, especially if it's directly facing the camera. They kind of look like dopey ear-less doggies when they do that.

I love you Flula! That is all.

I feel like I probably agree with you, but the way this was written I have the feeling you were suffering a rage-stroke while typing. Which I completely understand in this instance, but it's really hard to read.

If we never punish asshole behavior, it will escalate, and other people will think acting that way is fine. When people are children, they start testing the people around them to see what is and isn't acceptable behavior. That actually never stops, but the extent of the testing is usually much milder than a temper

Yep, me too.

We've definitely improved, which is horrific. Humans have never been better to each other or other creatures than they are now. I just hope we keep getting better, but much faster, please.

I'm so sorry that happened to you. It's unconscionable.

Well, there was a story right there, and it had me cringing along with you. I don't know why that makes me happy, but apparently it does. Thanks!

Jeez. I had an emergency c-section with my son after 22 hours of labor, and I would never voluntarily, for no medical reason, have a c-section.