I guess you have a point. Although I'm never really sure what particular magick spell during what cosmic alinement actually causes a person to become permanently ungreyed.
I guess you have a point. Although I'm never really sure what particular magick spell during what cosmic alinement actually causes a person to become permanently ungreyed.
I have the opposite problem. I love horror, and also anything even vaguely gothic, but my husband doesn't like scary movies. He'll probably take me anyway, but it makes me feel guilty.
Oh yes. This is wonderful. Del Toro has been a favorite director of mine since The Devil's Backbone and I've enjoyed every movie he's made since (some more than others of course).
I haven't eaten lunch, so I'm feeling a little irritable, but right now I would be totally fine if this guy and every other guy like him on the planet would just die. Right now. Preferably in a way that wouldn't make a mess for anyone else, for once in their fucking lives.
He's very sweet, if occasionally painful to my ears.
I'm old, so I watched it with my son when it first came out, and I was pretty surprised and happy to see a woman with a curvy shape in a Disney movie that wasn't a villain.
I love you right now. Do you have any squirrel?
Yep, I'm saving that one for later.
Is it okay if I get started early?
Yes. This!
Well, I think this is a good time for everyone who knows how to get in touch with Franzen to spam the hell out of his inboxes with "You've got to read Jennifer Weiner!"
Agreed. That's how my husband and I celebrate every Valentine's Day.
Thanks :D
For us it went like this:
I'm not sure what you are asking for help with.
Conservative brains don't do abstract very well. Since they are more easily frightened and disgusted, fear and disgust is their reaction to anything they don't have direct experience with.
I hope you don't mind, but I've started following you. I don't want to miss any of your stories.
I want to live this hippos life. Damn. (said after watching video on mute, if there was some tragic backstory I don't want to know)