GimmeKnowledge The Grey

The problem is when people want to say that all Muslims are to blame for something an extremist did while not blaming themselves for all that some other extremist has done in the name of their religion.

I think part of the reason that my son, who has autism, is doing so well is that because my husband and I are also on the spectrum so we understand his need to mostly spend his time in his own mind. We have the same need.

Although, having read the old testament...

Well, Paul was a shitty person. I can believe War Machine could be the new Paul. Tar Jachine the new apostle.

Yeah, I'm on MOTHER OF GOD today. Unfortunately for me, that tends to last for three more days, at least.

Meh. Kim's greasy ass was much scarier to me.

I thought Maine is America's deformed dick and Florida is America's floppy scrotum?


Today is a good day. I needed to be reminded that the world is continuing to get better. Worldsuck is always being fought by those of us that care, and slowly but surely, we win.

He better be working pretty damn hard, and double quick.

Well, Lara Croft will feel better, anyway.

I think if you really want to protect those teens, it's time to break up with Lance. He obviously doesn't have them first and foremost in his mind.

Thankfully, I don't have that particular reaction, or at least I don't let myself get to that point before I switch to killing zombies or dragons or raiders instead of torturing myself further. I keep being drawn back to discussing topics that may will attract the kind of people that cause those negative feelings

And if Jesus is really the son of god, and heaven is real, I hope he gives them the scolding of their lives for calling themselves Christians and then disregarding everything he said. Why the hell do so many people act like Paul was actually the Messiah?

My husband is this way, except that he would never ask a server to reheat anything. He just loves scalding hot food and drink. I think his hot and cold receptors are just calibrated very differently than ours.

I understand. I used to think that most people were generally reasonable and willing to learn. I've never been more wrong. I wish it wouldn't continue to disappoint me though, I'd love to get over it.

Totally true.

Right there with you. Although reading it as an adult, especially with how I reacted to the scene as a kid, kind of squicked me out. After the first time reading it as an adult, I actually skip those scenes, ha!

I wonder how his mother feels about all this? My brother went through periods of delusional behavior as a teen, it was really hard on everyone, but especially my mom. Thankfully, my brother never threatened anyone outside of our immediate family.

Very possible. I started reading King when I turned eight. My spooky (awesome) Aunt gave me "IT" for my birthday. I've now read everything he's published so far, but "IT" is still my favorite.