GimmeKnowledge The Grey

Kinda, but much, much worse.

I totally agree.


This is a okay place to start:

When you get commenters that are just being "contrary" you can dismiss them, and then they go away. Bliss!

Thank you. You are incredibly brave to basically face what was done to you for a living while keeping your composure. I wouldn't be able to do it.

Oh, god. I'm so, so sorry.

I guess taking out the physical abuse is progress, maybe. If I'm being honest though, the emotional abuse was much worse for me. It's what has messed me up the most in life.

Thank you. People like you, who do victim support, are heroes. If I hadn't gotten therapy through victim witness I probably wouldn't be alive right now.

I think the reason race was brought up is because just as women rarely have their voices heard or their stories told without it being filtered through the eyes of a man, people of color rarely have their voices heard or their stories told without it being filtered through the eyes of white people.

Yeah, but holding a man responsible for his offspring? What are you, a feminazi? /s

You are too smart. It makes us (if I can be so bold) intimidating. Not every man or woman can keep up, and that makes people defensive and hostile.

And we all start out looking like that and worse. If you have the stomach for it you can look up earlier stages of development. Beware of anti-choice misinformation. Check sources and all that stuff you already know.

Even for them. Because we are not omniscient, we can't be 100% sure that they are guilty. Do you think it's okay to kill innocent people? I don't.

This is so, so fucked. Words are failing me. Every time I start a sentence a million other outraged thoughts crowd in and I hit backspace and start again.

I get that.

And then you have the ones with the trifecta.

Do you really want to go where that lady and her husband are going? Heaven sounds miserable.

I shouldn't use history to disagree with religious history? Really? What should I use, math?

That is a work of genius. Thank you for sharing it with me.