Thanks. I've heard from my doc on the issue, what I needed was some personal experiences because he's never been a woman on Gabapentin.
Thanks. I've heard from my doc on the issue, what I needed was some personal experiences because he's never been a woman on Gabapentin.
Okie doke. Interesting take, anyway.
Well, we are sisters in the Eat All The Things club. Also in the So White It's Difficult To Focus When You Are In The Room club. I think I may be a polar bear in disguise. Have you checked for clandestine polar-bearness?
I was sixteen and my friend (remember I said friend) had an on again off again boyfriend who was a white supremacist.
Like CPS doesn't have better things to do. So many cases of actual child abuse and this is what is focused on?
I like it. Except that Dyson sphere's are generally considered to be encapsulating stars, not planets.
I'll be honest, I've been on Cymbalta for fibro and depression. It helped the fibro a bit and the depression a bit. Unfortunately I can no longer orgasm, not with my partner, not solo. I don't know what to do, because I am frequently suicidal and prone to self-harm without medication. Sertraline was helpful for the…
I too am terrified by churches! Or was that not what you meant?
Size two, no. Not unless you are naturally capable of a size two. Diets for a particular occasion are ridiculous. Eating right and exercising moderately, okay. Spray tans are optional, but I don't personally like the look.
I didn't say you need religion to be evil. However, I'm a student of history and history is not kind to religion.
"Those schools, by the way, were run by churches."
Well, when they don't get it, just link them to some info. If they still don't get it, disregard them as feminists. Feminism isn't anti-man and was never meant to be.
My mother in law. I'm very short and she is very tall. Thankfully as long as she still got to keep the dress, she didn't mind altering it. Also thankfully, the dress was really timeless and simple. The sucker shouldn't have been white, but what can you do?
I love those damn eejits too.
I'm excited. Is it okay to be excited? I know people will keep disappointing me, especially in individual states, but this time it'll be okay, right?
Thank fuck I borrowed my wedding dress.
I can't tell people apart when they're filming inside a potato.