Wagon Guy drives a Boostang

I don’t get how this isn’t an insurance company issue to sort out.
Here is Massachusetts you cannot get a plate for your car unless you have insurance.

So it should be pretty easy to lookup the insurance company tied to a vin, and drop it off with them. They are ultimately the ones who will need to pay out for a

Fund the VA properly so it can take care of veterans properly.

$290 for 60 months at 0% with a down payment of $500. 2016 was a fun time.

“People 100% do not need “performance driving””

TheOGturn here, crazy to see my channel mentioned on a site i go to nearly day!!! For those wondering

The two identical bills would allow an eligible adult, 21 or over, to “act in lieu of a driver training instructor while using an authorized electronic device or application.”

Whoever said that the native navigation is better than Android Auto is on something, most likely that weed from Training Day.

I haven’t even read the comments, but I am sure they are going to be something something something, no Pinto is worth that much. I was probably ready to be that guy too. But just look at those glorious seats. This thing is very well done, and also, dare I say it, a brown manual wagon.

Now this is going to be against the popular flow like a salmon past the bear in a waterfall, but hear me out.

It sounds good, but will only get you banned from a Cars ‘n’ Coffee 3/10ths of a second faster.

Cops seem to have a hard on for sovereign citizen loonies, which I heartily approve of. I just wish they had similar hard ons for Nazis, Proud Boys, MAGA degens, and others of their ilk. Guess that’s tricky though considering so many of their fellow cops are sympathizers of these groups, if not actual members.

Hmm seems like publicly stating you don’t pay taxes is a good way to end up on the IRS’s radar.

I learned a shit ton in Econ 101. It should be required in High School - and graduation denied if you don’t pass it. Then folks would stop blaming Biden for the inflation spike in ‘22.

You are only about 25 years too late.

Maybe, just maybe, just keep your car and don’t trade it in.

yeah, they look worse then any faux chrome in my opinion

The first car (BMW 2008) looks like it was repainted in Tijuana at some point, perhaps as a quick and dirty attempt to skirt the deductible.

I’m not a fan of the yellow lights honestly.

Get a grip. BMW turn signal engineers manage to keep it together. Be more like them. 

Given I took mine in 1986 you are correct. I am old for a Jalopnik regular though. You kids get off my damned lawn.