Wagon Guy drives a Boostang

Not really surprised by this outcome. Tire manufacturers often leapfrog one another as they learn from their competition and release new versions of their tires. The great thing for all of us is that there are several great tire options in just about every category. Last year was “new tire time” for both my current

I prefer “solid” colours over metallic ones. Ever seen a boat with metallic paint? It looks awful.

Listen, any car make that’s willing to go smaller these days? I’m all for.


I got stuck with Space Gray on my 128i convertible because used car beggars don’t get to be choosey, and as you say, many people with money are BORING. The original owner of this not-inexpensive little toy special ordered it in gray on beige, despite BMW having some fantastic colors inside and out in 2011. Exemplified

Can you get it lowered by 3-5 inches and without the black plastic cladding?

One thing I will never do is buy another car in white / black / grey / silver. Cannot stand how every car looks like it’s been printed by a laser printer. Last three cars I purchased new for myself were a 2011 Cayman (red), 2015 Mustang (blue), and 2024 Palisade (green). My next car will be yellow.

I’m liking that profile

Yeah that happened to an old dirt track we had in town. It used to be kind of out in the country, then people started moving out that way complained and got it shut down. Personally something like a race track should be grandfathered in 100% of the time and exempt from noise complaints, within reason, from anyone

Remember when this site would have had an unmodified vehicle pic to compare? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Many living paycheck to paycheck because of a huge car payment. having a car payment over $400 or $500 is completely insane to me.

I’m a 5 figure nobody and I have way more than 500 extra bucks a month. Also by your own stated logic you left 40% (dozens of millions of Americans) as not living paycheck to paycheck.

That is the part that I always scratch my head about, the topic of depreciation. I am someone who buys and holds onto my car for a very long time. I don’t care that it lost 30% of the value the second I drove it off the lot, I don’t plan on selling it anytime soon.

I can feather that thing like I’ve been driving a manual for over forty years (because I have) and yet, it is so much fun to let that tailgater know they’ve made a questionable decision. “Oh, did I not fully depress the brake and roll a little? SO sorry.” Same type probably uses the stop-start method than makes us

Big truck = Small Penis.

Couple that with the fact that a lot of lifted and ridiculously modded truck drivers(I’m tempted to go with most, but I’ve restrained myself from being too hyperbolic), are total assholes.  Just watch their behavior on and off the road and you’ll have plenty of empirical evidence to back it up.  

Re: pickup drivers. Saying someone has small dick energy doesn’t actually mean you believe them to have a smaller anatomy. It’s a euphemism for insecurity. Maybe its outdated and body shaming, yes, but the underlying message is about insecurity.
We have evidence to suggest folks who buy pickup trucks and large SUVs wer

I’ve got it pretty well covered.

Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy’s died. I don’t think he’d be ok with this.

This would simplify the process of deciding where to eat.