Wagon Guy drives a Boostang

I don’t know if this may be true in specific circumstances, but it’s never been true on any car loan I’ve had. I’ve paid off multiple car loans early, and I’ve only ever paid the remaining principle. 

I’m sure these cars are used/maintained with the same care and diligence their owners put into financial planning. Oh wait, that’s not a good thing.

Can you just use your right of way?

I took a look at the title of this one and assumed I was going to hate whatever garish decals some joker had thrown on there. I was wrong. I kinda like this design. Heck, I kinda love it. And I kinda want it.

Holy cow. Relatively low miles, a six-speed and what the heck money in 2023 dollars. A CVT would have been an immediate no but the manual is very appealing.

The BMW iX isn’t selling because it’s absolutely heinous to look at. It’s no surprise that people in the market for a $90k EV would prefer it didn’t resemble a naked mole rat or Winifred Sanderson from Hocus Pocus.

Simply, the answer is NO.   I drop off my daughter to school each morning as it’s on the way and gets me out of the house earlier so I can get some other store trips done, generally Lowes/Home Depot.   But I see very few bicycles.  Hell, I see very few kids walking to school.  The only walking to school kids I see are

Not buying that in the real world, at all. Maybe on the highly unrealistic Euro tests, but in the real world I have rented LOTS of both of those vehicles, as they are very standard rental cars here in the US and I travel constantly for work. In the real world, there is a good 5-8mpg difference between them, more on

I seriously do not get parents today. Most of my friends with kids DO drive them to school every day. Despite there being a perfectly good bus that would pick them up right down the street.

gorgeous all-original 1996 Chevrolet Impala SS

I hate to be that person, but this is on him. Put the keys in the center console and leave it? Every rental place I’ve been to has at least a drop box if they allow after hours. In addition when I have done after hours I take pictures of everything possible in and around the car as local rental places are the shady.

Soul-sucking, yes.  But not the ugliest!

As soon as the cops were informed that it was a legal rental, and didn’t immediately release her, that’s when it became unconstitutional.


PS, I found out that the Sir Vival is at Lane Museum now being restored. If Lane is the way it was years ago when I went, you can buy a tour of the basement where the restoration process is going on and get a look at where it is.

The ugliest from America is yet to come. WTF is this ?

To think some excec looked at that beak and thought, Yep this looks it.

Black and gold without the decals and light bar and she would have a good probability of winning in court. 

always hated this one

Ok hear me out, while I get it we need to make the move to EV’s, global warming and all, but how about we exempt high end sports/super/mega/hyper cars. Sure most get shit MPG, no argument there, but also so many of these are driven so LITTLE, that your average hybrid commuter car will pollute more in a couple years