Wagon Guy drives a Boostang

I am a Service Manager at an independent repair shop (of 7 locations nearby) and I CRINGE anytime I have any repairs that require any kind of programming, relearning, etc. In the past year, VAG (Volkswagen Audi Group), BMW, & Mercedes have pulled all access to programming their vehicles.  Blocked access even with the

My Alfa GTV6’s clutch was stuck. This is actually a pretty common problem and normally not a huge deal, although annoying. Some revving and engine braking on jack stands can usually break the disc free. In my case, nothing would work. Weeks of trying every technique in the book short of live animal sacrifice. The

What is wrong with you that you would want this vehicle? 

I don’t really want to see it either, so that works out.

Ugh, why toss the HVAC. Especially the heater, I can understand the AC since it likely broke, but the heater core?

Not feeling your numbers. I bought my first new BMW for $40K when I was 42 a dozen years ago. I had a mortgage (admittedly small by modern standards), student loans, and some low interest credit card debt. I also made just under six figures, had company health insurance (that my share of is EXPENSIVE), maxed out my

I actually like these wheels, but otherwise you’re right on the money.

No blinkers? Blinkers are for the others on the roads. I don’t turn on the blinker to tell myself that I’m turning. Are they taking out the brake lights, too?

I think that was “solar glass” that met DOT standards for letting in visible light but blocked more than half the infrared.

Not to mention they have a much more reliable public transport network compared to the US.

The biggest issue on US roads is the drivers.

Wait, you mean stop giving licenses to anyone with a pulse, regulate device use heavily and our roads would be safer?

Higher speed limits can be perfectly safe... IF it’s paired with good driver training and regular driver retraining as is done in places like Germany.

I see this more and more....people, please don’t tint your windshield. It’s incredibly stupid and dangerous. And this is coming from someone who loves window tint on my cars. Just don’t do the windshields. 

But the Texas DPS gives you 90 days for the license change. Says so on their website and everything.

You become a resident in Texas after only 30 days.

Assuming one lives in a single family home or town home, how much does it cost to install a home charger? An EV without one doesn’t make much sense. I understand that its a lot unless you happen to have a free and open 240v circuit. So for me, its the price of the car plus the home charger.

Dealerships will be the death of good cars.

Make sure you ask the sales team. We have an overflow lot at work and it’s crammed full of IONIQ 5s, and we only have one or two on the main lot itself. Gotta make room for those forty Santa Fes!

Weird. Normal people don’t want to buy a $50k car with 7% interest rates, tech that’s outdated faster than a modern smartphone, a business model that’s constantly pushing microservices, and tracks all your movements with no way to opt out or find out where that information is going?