Wagon Guy drives a Boostang

Seems like balancing might be somewhat complex if both people don’t weight nearly identical amounts. Can’t even imagine what coordinating getting out of the saddle would be like.

Newer Mazda engine covers have always been pretty easy to remove. The engine cover on my 2017 has 4 rubber mounting holes, and is a pull-off/press-on design with no fasteners to turn. Depending on why I’m removing the engine cover, I would prefer a pull-off design over the hinged version.

Mazda should be applauded for making an engine cover that’s easier to move out of the way. Sadly modern engine with plastic manifolds and cam covers and miles of wiring have become ugly messes best covered up.

Popular opinion if you have this stupid bling shit in your car, you are a terrible person lol, like right up there with the huge fuzzy steering wheel covers.

We need more plaid upholstery in cars. 

I would not have bought a new GTI if it didn’t have a manual. 

Someone must have PTSD from stalling a manual on a hill. Or did your daddy yell at you because you couldn’t let the clutch out smoothly?

I test drove both the DSG and Manual GTI, and I bought the Manual GTI for more ‘fun’. The DSG neuter the experience and the only thing I would miss about it is the autostart in the winter.

Might as well give internal combustion a rest while you are at it. EVs are way better for sitting in traffic.

If comfort in heavy traffic was the only consideration when buying a car, then they wouldn’t even be shopping for a GTI. 

Better in what way? Faster, more fuel efficient? Sure. But I’m not sure it’s more fun. Personally, I’d take the fuel efficiency hit and the occasional PITA traffic (not all of us live in LA or NYC) for more fun.

This is a dumb feature. I stopped stalling my car after the first day/hour of driving stick.

Who abbreviates 750,000 as 0.75M? That’s just weird.

How much would your civil rights cost?

Try as it might, Toyota just couldn’t win over all fans of the Supra.

That accounts for the “You hired these fuckups. Now you get to pay enough for you dumbfucks to stop doing this shit” factor.

Police departments around the country need to find ways to update their qualification and background check procedures to avoid hiring people like this on their forces. In the end it would help them because there would be less stories of cops getting caught being racists asshats or for murdering people.  I mean I have

The overwhelming majority of people who claim to speak for the overwhelming majority don’t know what the overwhelming majority actually wants.

i agree that drivers have no skill