Wagon Guy drives a Boostang

If I remember correctly, Andor was specifically filmed on practical sets as much as possible, without the use of the Volume LED screens.

No problem man, you always back up your claims with well though out answers, can’t hate on anyone who does that.

Visually it just isn’t very appealing. For me Luxury is mostly about wants over needs and just a need to fill up space. When you go to a house, 99% of the time you don’t just see a couch and a TV and that’s it? No there’s decorations, there’s other furniture, there’s rooms that aren’t used but are still decorated,

Just come to terms with the fact that many people are not an enamored with tesla as you are.

The climate controls are software, no? That’s one area I’d still prefer to have physical buttons. But maybe I’m different than most there, as I futz with climate a lot during trips.

HVAC, air vents, windshield wipers and gear shift seem to be pretty low hanging fruit.

Novel idea:
Instead of going out and blowing $25k before you’re established in a job and have a known steady income, just keep what you have for a year or so so you get a better grasp on life and what you’ll actually need.

5 minutes of “just rolled in” and you’d rethink not making inspections mandatory.  There are so many cars on the road that are deathtraps with bald tires, bad or non-existent brakes, broken windshields, etc.  It’s quite horrifying how many people don’t maintain their cars. 

I grew up in an inspection state and moved to a non-inspection state and the state of used cars in the non-inspection state is terrifying. 

Hard not to fall somewhere in the middle on this subject.

There’s 2 problems that plaque BMWs 1: There needlessly complicated engineering showcases.  2: MOST North American owners don’t understand the concept (or required financial relationship) of precision machine maintenance, muchless preventative maintenance. BMWs are no different than Mercedes or Porsche, if you have an


I mean if the housing prices in your area just spiked 10-25% and suddenly the down payment you saved up is pointless cuz everyone is paying cash+. I might just say F it and buy the Supra because I know I can afford it and it makes me happy unlike the depression of wishing for a home.

“In much of America, a traffic infraction like having a fake license plate would be more than enough reason for local law enforcement to pull you over”

LOL agree 100% on the oversize-logo polos comparison.

All those flashing emergency lights and the driver didn’t see them.

Pre-facelift S550 front end really was better than the later version. But I remember when it first came out and everyone was bitching that the headlamps looked too smiley compared to the previous model years. By the time the GT350 debuted, everyone realized how badass that front end looked, especially with the GT350's

Chris Bangle is a good designer, different, and that tackled a lot of engineering trends/requirements (higher beltlines etc) and was the first to do so.

Purely anecdotal, but I’ve only seen about 5 or 6 of the 4-series monstrosities around my area (a fairly large US urban area) since they were released. So, either the owners are buying them and only running them at night after everyone has gone to sleep, or otherwise no one around here is buying them. And yes,

The only way that the current design will “grow on” people is in the same way people started looking back wistfully at Dubya’s presidency while Trump was in office.