Wagon Guy drives a Boostang

This is the kind of article that scares me. Know why? Because I own a shop!

Frankly, it’s all these shenanigans that make guys like me look bad. Now, I will tell people if something is ready to break. I will tell them, hey, this is about ready to let go, and I will SHOW them why and how it is. Other things, I will

Dear Penthouse: It was a hot day in the summer. The mechanic’s blue shirt was unbuttoned an extra notch, showing glistening chest hair. His hands were the rough, strong hands of a working man as they shook mine and I looked into his grey eyes, steely as the tools he wielded.

Well I had been going to this mechanic for years and thought he was pretty solid. A lot of other people went there too, but after awhile his work went downhill. It was gradual so it took awhile to realize the reason I was going was to talk to the other customers in the waiting room. In the end we realized he was just

Hot take: Almost nothing feels “dangerously underpowered” if it has a manual. The only time i’ve ever felt that “Woah...I really need to go faster here for safety’s sake” feeeling has been with autos that refused to kickdown.

While I generally find the “all gentrification is evil” narrative pretty limited, to me this is just called: Do Your Research. Figure out what happens in a neighborhood, decide whether or not you’d be happy to live there, and then sign your lease accordingly. Don’t show up and mess with the lives of the people who

Yes that, but also don’t forget about all the black people.

The only reason the GOP doesn’t want DC as a state is because they vote overwhelmingly democrat, which means 2 more democratic senators getting in the way of their agenda. The same goes for Puerto Rico.

Obligatory “Fuck this slideshow nonsense” comment.

I’m an instructor at my local tracks and the CDI (Chief Driving Instructor) for my SCCA region’s Time Trial program. I do 30-40 trackdays a year with 5-6 local clubs. I recommend trackdays to all enthusiasts and anyone even remotely interested in cars.

Agreed. At the same time, there was easily an hour that could have been cut from the movie without hampering any of the character arcs. But it was light years beyond the 2017 trainwreck.

The new JL Snyder cut was a 1000% better than the tripe that was the Justice League. I still don’t understand why DCEU doesn’t dig into the cartoon for more inspiration. As I was watching the 4 hours (that’s a long fucking time for even a great movie - this was a decent movie considering) I actually saw where the

Then maybe they should secure it in their fucking truck rather than leaving it sticking out over the sidewalk so it smacks people in the shits.  Considering most of the hitches I see (in San Antonio) don’t even have the paint worn off them it’s not like they’re actually getting used for anything other than a lifestyle.

It’s situational. Going to get groceries? Pull in forward. Parking in a lot with less traffic? Back in. With the proliferation of back up cameras, especially the ones that curve the limit lines when you turn the wheel, it should only take one try. If you can’t back into a spot in one try, go over to an empty parking

Aside from the mess of all the rednecks and MAGA turds not being able to back their bro-dozers into a parking space accurately, and taking 3 tries to get it even close, and then banging their door into my car because they’re simple-minded morons who can’t be bothered to pay any attention to what the fuck they’re

Pre-refresh was better.

and it’s probably a bad idea in general to sell a car with a top speed of 174.

Racing is for racing, not for testing. If I wanted to watch a race get decided by a “challenging surface” I’d watch rally.

Insurance didn’t cover it because it was a pre-existing condition.

sounds like some large landscaping rocks are are in order

I’ve had a few, and some were more “oh shit” than this one, but nothing tops the weird factor of this incident, so it’s the one I will share this time:

To set the scene - I was in my mid-20s, driving a ‘97 Dodge Neon. Yes, it had some “upgrades” (R/T stripes, a not-too-obnoxious aftermarket exhaust, etc.) About a half