Wagon Guy drives a Boostang

Only if you promise this isn’t gonna turn into a slideshow at some point! :)

Netflix has three huge issues, imo.

I thought the show made it clear that Hex Vision didn’t transfer his memories, he just unlocked White Vision’s memories which were being supressed. That would include everything up until the moment he was killed by Thanos.

Torch nails it, and hard. Replace the Roadmaster’s camshaft, cylinder heads, and dreadful OptiSpark ignition, throw on a TVS 2300 blower, and be the coolest orca in a sea of tedious tuna.

You guys know the drill- getting your drivers license is a big fucking deal for a teen. My drivers education class was taught by the high school gym teacher. This guy was a Vietnam vet who looked 30, but was actually in his fifties. He was absolutely ripped, or as we said back in the 1990s, “cock diesel.” Needless to

I live in NY, and at the time if you had your license as a teen you either needed to be on a parent’s insurance or have your own car and insurance. My mom didn’t drive (still doesn’t) and my stepfather said I could never drive his car. I went ahead and got my permit so I could take driver’s ed in summer school that’s

I’ve got to disagree entirely. While the two are similar, the amount of confusion between the two can be huge. One is a sequential transmission, the other is not. One can have the clutch slipped almost endlessly, the other can not. One requires moving a little thing with your toe up/down, the other requires moving a

Eh... I definitely preferred to learn in a car where messing up meant not moving for a few seconds inside of a well protected metal box instead of, you know, potentially toppling over with an engine between my legs. To each their own I guess.

If there were so little reason for the Xbox to exist, there wouldn’t be millions of Xboxes in the world. People really need to let the “just build a gaming PC” take die, it just makes you look myopic. 

Not sure where you live, but look for performance driving schools in your area. Driveway Austin is one that offers a class specifically for learning to drive a manual:

So lemme get this straight. You are repackaging reader comments into a slideshow format? Okaaaay, I guess Porsche made the Cayenne in the pure interest of money. Why not regurgitate reader comments for click bait. Necessary evil to pay those bills I guess. As long as it keeps the site alive.

Slideshow Jalopnik is not my Jalopnik.

Just checking in to highlight a couple anti-slideshow comments and duck out. Carry on.

Fuck the slideshow format.
Come here to say that and that is it. Not even going to bother to click on it.

I personally like to click on a thing exactly one time so you won’t see slideshows from me unless I get yelled at for not doing it.

Look how great this worked without damned slideshow.

Seriously, no more of that crap.

Even more important than police reform — ELECTIONS. Want to still have a democracy in 5 years?

Neat idea, but it sounds like an absolute hatchet job of a project.  No matter how good the engine build is, there’s too many red flags to trust this project.

Rogue* not Rouge