
Notes lying around imply it might’ve been repurposed for Separate Ways.

I’m struggling to understand what this comment meants lol. Not throwing shade, but from what little I played and watched of this game it felt *more* chaotic than Smash, not less. No universal shield option and the relatively liberal ability to dodge made every match feel like constant flailing movement.

Pearl clutching violence lovers, can’t get more American than that. Dude nearly dies getting tackled during a football game? Unfortunate but part of the game. Janet Jackson accidentally flashes a titty? Unbridled outrage.

They would check before they let her into the country in which the worst case scenario would be that she gets denied, same as the result she got. They won’t bother investigating her after they already let her in.

I really, really wanted to love this game. At times I thought I did. A lot of what the work they put in was great and you could tell Keits and the team were passionate about making the game thrive. But I’ll never understand why, after months of players asking for it on Discord & Reddit, they refused to add features

This just makes the recent DC Comics x Faze Clan crossover even more hilariously stupid & surreal (yes this is an actual thing)

The r/games thread had some good insight into this. As I understood it, the system as designed was only ever intended for use in companies hemorrhaging money and overstaffed, i.e. layoffs are unavoidable. Ideally the worst performers get cut until the company is in the black again, but the important part is that you

AFAIK Fortiche isn’t the only studio Riot contracts to do their animation. Last year’s “The Call” was done by Unit Image. There are rumors on twitter that maybe all of the different studios were simply working on other projects, but it’d be weird for Riot not to have something worked out ahead of time even if they

Now playing

>People in the League community will get mad about anything

I mean, you’re not wrong. Just gonna preface my reply with that. But if this trailer is the only context you have for the drama, you’re missing the whole picture. As a casual player I’m not really prepared to go deep on why people are upset, but the tl;dr is

Yeah everyone already knows. It’s not like the community isn’t aware - Riot announced a new Fighting Game, a new MMO, a dungeon crawler spinoff, more seasons of Arcane, and has been pouring resources into Valorant. I think what everyone’s upset about is the lack of honesty - the decline in resources being put into

The fact that you couldn’t just lock yourself in training mode without being forced to play with others is certainly a complaint, but that has less to do with Training mode and more to do with Capcom’s need to gather match data during the beta. I can’t think of a single problem with the training mode itself, so what


I assume you meant new as in New to SFVI trailers and that his kickboxing resembles Capoeira because he likes to dance but just in case:

Yeah no loss to me that the game is canceled but it put my eyes on the base lore and it was a fun little rabbit hole to go down for an hour. Came to the conclusion it’s basically Made in Abyss but with more 20th century corporate america.

TIL the Switch version of Mario Kart 8 is still getting DLC tracks. The original game is over 8 years old.

This had been announced during a dev stream when the game launched but it isn’t enough to make me come back. You’re still beholden to the RNG of the card shop. Praying you get a card that is actually helpful for a deck archetype you want to try just isn’t fulfilling, which is a shame because I loved the core mechanics

Who also happens to prominently figure into one of the epilogues where V is trying to do one last heist on the space casino. Really hope we get some continuation of this in the DLC.

PREACH. My gaming related discords and fb groups always complain about the nominees in nearly every category every year, as if they could somehow expect better results. It’s nothing new.

So you know the exact time table of when she expected to be paid and how long she waited after she didn’t get what she wanted?

Helena Taylor knee-jerk reacted by posting immediately, attempted to sabotage the game’s release and provided absolutely no proof to her claims.