Dracula Untold(2014) - budget 70M, worldwide gross 217M
Dracula Untold(2014) - budget 70M, worldwide gross 217M
The timeline does coincide with the North Korean Sony hack, so
I assumed that they push out whatever they have due to the old agreement that if Sony didn’t use a Marvel character they own in a movie, the rights would revert back to Marvel.
They don’t have Blade, no. Marvel has those rights, they bought them back from New Line Cinema; Sony never had them. Spawn was also New Line Cinema, and I think the rights were always still held by Todd McFarlane. Again, nothing to do with Sony.
Want the best part of this? It is the same writer, the story is made by the same person that worked on Morbius. They literally rewarded mediocrity
You realize the Morbius Re-release is one of the greatest cases of a large corporation getting punked in the history of PR.
Thank you, I felt like I was going crazy seeing decent reviews of this when two of the three main PvP modes are terrible. As you said, Smash the Star becomes a slog of camping and actively incentivizes not participating and the survival mode where only half of your team gets to really play at a time is such an awful…
Square: Stop calling this a Splatoon clone.
*game releases*
Square: Please call this a Splatoon clone.
Yeah, I can envision a world where you have hitscan shots that you shoot into the ground which explode into foam after a short delay.
Or maybe a rocket launcher with a missile that explodes into foam on contact.
Man, those quips got old fast. There’s something to be said for Nintendo’s penchant for having characters speak in unintelligible gibberish that can be tailored for maximum appeal.
Hamster replacement.
There’s dozens of games that come out each year that are weird, visionary, and artsy. The issue that I think OP more has is that Kojima kinda seems extremely up his own ass about being artsy. Like Kanye, Jaden Smith, Russell Brand, etc.
One thousand games come out every year. Let us have something truly weird and visionary. “Artsy” as you put it. We need it.
I really disagree, I think there should be places in the industry for artistic expression and experimentation. Not everything has to be a cookie-cutter gameplay experience. While yeah Death Stranding wasn’t for me for the most part I appreciate the effort to try new things and I think we should encourage more of that…
Are you saying they have a “Hot Dog / Not Hot Dog” algorithm?
Deleting it from your console as well is wild
I got an auto suspension last year because of a screenshot I took while playing the The Procession to Calvary in 2021. There was no nudity in the photo, it just said the word “fuck” in the on screen text. I didn’t realize my screenshots and recordings were auto uploaded and made available to the public. I freaked out…
Made an account after 10 years of following this site just to comment this:
Arkane making a Blade game was... unexpected. I thought they were going to announce Dishonored 3 but this might actually be more interesting? I’m intrigued by their take on a superhero game.