
1.5 came out in 2020. It’s a tad dramatic and I know everyone loves to be jaded about Kotaku in the comments but 3+ years *is* a long time in the modern gaming cycle. Are y’all really gonna pretend like peak covid was just a few months ago? It feels like it’s been ages.

This isn’t a complaint so much as a genuine question but uh, Concerned Ape’s still pumping out Stardew Valley content? And like, a lot of it? I thought he said he was more or less done and completely focused on Haunted Chocolatier?

Apart from JSR none of them seemed like they’d be full-priced, AAA titles. They looked more like $20-30 small team efforts. I could see an $80-100 bundle down the line (I know the releases will more than likely be spaced out)

If they release them all at once in a bundle they could revive something cool

Haven’t seen it mentioned for this Category yet unless it’s buried, but Street Fighter 6 ought to have been nominated for Best eSports Game, not Multiplayer. Even with Modern Controls it’s not something you can just convince your friends to casually pick up and play if they’re not already fans of fighting games, and

As someone that loves fighting games there’s no way a traditional fighter like Street Fighter will ever get GOTY. SF6 is probably the most deserving one’s ever been and it’s still not accessible/popular enough to dent mainstream AAA titles, mostly because people see “Fighting Games” and have been conditioned over the

This is a really surprising take considering they actually turned the cheese down if anything. Some of the most important lines are kept, like Bingo, but for the most part the camp is diluted thanks in part to Saddler and Salazar not calling in with Leon to chat. I also don’t get the hair/face complaints either lol.

It’s so funny that the JRPG community has been lambasting Turn-Based RPGs as unpopular and dead, then Larian comes out of nowhere and smashes records with one. It’s almost as if the mechanics are fine, it’s all about the execution (narrative, characters, etc.)

>Resisting the Urge with a capital U

They made us do it with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe so I don’t expect that to change. Get ready to buy Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, only on the Switch Ultimate!

Meanwhile, Hanako has been waiting at Embers for damn near 3 years

And she dies in the first episode and nobody else calls him that for the rest of the series. I legit forgot about it, which made reading this article make me feel like I got Mandela Effected/

That makes you the outlier, not the rest of us

I’ve played the original Splatoon on Wii U with the gyro controls and yes, it is definitely better than plain analog sticks, but “not as bad” isn’t “perfect” nor comfortable.

Seriously. I’ve been dying for a Splatoon clone on PC because I can’t go back to playing shooters on Analog sticks after playing on M+KB for 15 years. And I’m tired of Square Enix releasing games that I’d enjoy but not on platforms I’d actually play on, only for those games to die later from lack of players. Imagine

Now playing

As far as funky create a characters go nothing beats Max’s reaction to the first Beta

Unanimously disliked is probably going a bit far, while it seems everyone agrees it’s not perfect I’d say about half the reviews say they overall enjoyed it despite the flaws. Not surprising, given that “Free-roaming Fighting Game RPG” isn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea, you either fall neatly in the venn-diagram

The implication is that frivolous lawsuits would be much less appealing, so they just never get filed. The costs stay the same but the total available market share goes down because less people are getting sued overall.

What would’ve been even better is if shooting the water in Chapter 1 also triggered the death cutscene. Even if someone knew about the Lago death trigger being a thing from playing the original, they wouldn’t realize it’s the same lake just at a different spot earlier in the game than they’re used to.

So you remember how in the original, the red cloak Verdugo followed Leon down into the depths and you fight him with Liquid Nitrogen? While the Black cloak verdugo merged with Salazar to become his boss fight form. Well in the remake, the black cloak Verdugo is suspiciously absent after you fight the red one. Not only