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    I’ve taken quite a liking to these regular Patrick Stewart interview clips. Please keep them coming.

    I’ll come at you for a high-five.

    Alaska as a state, too, needs some better name association.

    That was Voyager’s problem? I’m generally interested in your perspective here.

    Have all my upvotes. One of the petty annoyances that annoys me the most is how much clout/citation RT gets.

    I generally agree that there’s some established quality, but if mediocre refers to something that’s neither great nor horrible, I feel like there are quite a few mediocre MCU films.

    If I recall correctly, Strange is a film that felt a lot longer than its running time, at least to me.

    I’m a Thor fan who doesn’t find Ragnarok that great, but I think that its high ratings have more to do with it being fun than with any bias.

    Of the two airing currently, one is on CBS All Access and the other stars Seth MacFarlane.

    How perfect would it be, though, for Rickman to be unhappy as an ensemble player on a TV show in which his character is an actor who considers himself too good to be associated with a dorky TV show?

    They don’t just know you, they are you:

    The neck-snapping scene is clearly written as a no-other-options scenario and the Lois kiss a kind of war-is-over moment. Both are a bit clumsy but I get what the film is going for and give it the benefit of the doubt.

    BvS is the exact wrong sequel for Man of Steel. The latter is a solid setup for a classic, ‘happy’ Superman film.

    I think that I’ll go an watch the Logan trailer again.

    Batman Forever was a little wacky, but it was fairly successful and I don’t think that the role was generally on the rocks until after Batman & Robin.

    A Boatbringer is also called a Tug, because it takes a tug to lug one ashore.

    I generally embrace mainstream sensibilities, so I’m fine with a lot of music that fits there. But I still have ‘standards’ of what I think constitutes good mainstream music.

    The ‘Smashing’ in Smashing Pumpkins is an adjective, so it doesn’t really work there.

    Again I say, I’d like to see more of the Dwarf-lords in their mountain halls.

    Yes Gandalf, you are now commenting in the white.