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    Oh, for sure. I realized that my comment didn’t entirely make sense, as I was combining yours with another as I typed. I’d love a Del Toro version of The Last Unicorn. I was just imagining the same thing happening as happened to The Hobbit, given the potential for evolutionary symmetry, but of course if Del Toro

    The existing The Last Unicorn film that we’re talking about does kind of resemble the old Rankin-Bass animated Hobbit. And I definitely wouldn’t want a similar evolution to live-action.

    It’s worth noting that Mara Jade was more than just a romantic interest for Luke; initially she’s more of a tense ally or possible nemesis.

    The tragedy of the ST, I think, is that it indeed brings the worst things from the EU into into the picture, and leaves out the best things. Basically, the rationale for getting rid of the EU is no longer applicable. So I do consider it a loss, myself. There’s plenty in the EU that does a heck of a lot more with Star

    I’m not overestimating the popularity of the character; I know that the number of people who were into the EU is a lot smaller than the number of people who watch the films. I’d imagine that the number of people familiar with many of the characters in the MCU was also similarly small compared to the audiences who’ve

    Or, you know, hoping. It still makes no sense to me that Lucasfilm would throw away an very popular female character who was one of the faces of Star Wars for decades.

    That’s the only particular thing that I can think of that I’m actively looking forward to with this. I love McGregor in the role and hope that it turns out great, but this character seems pretty well spoken for already.

    A hotel so big that it has a train inside it, like the Malevolence from The Clone Wars.

    I think that his father was the Arachnoid Nebula?

    Spider-Man: Turn off the Stark

    I think that Venom is basically the face you see when you look up the phrase “cheap thrills.” I don’t mean that as an insult to the character, his creators, or fans, but he’s the sort of entity whose films don’t have to actually be high-quality to be appealing to audiences. Much like dinosaurs.

    As a longtime Star Wars fan, I won’t argue.

    The Lion King remakes are the Guns’n’Roses of cinema, and this will be their Use Your Illusion.

    One issue with The Last Jedi is that it wasn’t a reaction to the reasonable criticism levied at The Force Awakens. I think that most people enjoyed the latter’s tone and sincerity, but found it far too derivative of previous Star Wars films. Had Lucasfilm responded by making something that continued to provide an

    Because Batman (even if he wasn’t in it).

    The only caveat there is that in addition to watching Luke, he was keeping an extremely low profile himself, so as not to reveal himself to the Empire. If he leaves Tatooine, he’s got to be really careful, which I’m sure is plausible.

    Well, not a live action take, by definition.

    That’s the big question, or in its other variation - what exactly does an Obi-Wan series involve, considering that he’s supposed to be hiding out in a remote desert.

    Yeah, that sums it up. The main sort of ‘homogeneity’ that needs to be present is just that Rand *doesn’t* look like everyone else, i.e. he’s the only redhead with grey eyes. The rest of them have ‘darker features,’ but the books don’t pin it down. And the backstory allows plenty of loopholes for diversity in even a

    Yeah, Beyond was the first Trek film that gave me the “enjoyable Trek feeling” since First Contact. 09 is much more of a spectacular blockbuster, and maybe a better film in general, but with Beyond it felt to me as though the series had finally found its footing. Shame that it met with diminished returns (although