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    Radagastafy, you mean?

    Of course you could check to see if there was a secret track in some ways, sometimes. What I enjoyed about it was just the feeling of there being a bonus for fans who paid attention. As with commentary tracks (and other features) on DVDs, for a while CDs were used more or less to their full potential with hidden

    The X-Files: Fight the Future soundtrack also had a long ‘outro’ with a voice talking about the show’s conspiracy lore. It felt like the perfect thing for that CD.

    Four lines to say. There are four lines.

    I don’t disagree on that, and I hope that he is one of the good guys anyway.

    New Coke, Crystal Pepsi: Meet your new sibling, New Nutella.

    Part of what is weird about this is that Hollywood is big business, but is often categorized as something else because of how its PR machine works and the resulting veneer of enlightenment. But beneath the surface, gears are gears.

    And if they are too busy, the fries probably are hot out of the fryer anyway. Or pretty close. Once upon a time I was the fry person, and keeping the bin full was one of the most ceaselessly frantic tasks I’ve ever had.

    I’m not saying that it’s not a fantastic scene. It just takes focus away from the characters that the film is actually about.

    No joking, this sounds great. I’ve expected there to be more trilogies, but to hear that Johnson is at the helm and that he has the freedom to go someplace new...yeah, very good news.

    Rogue One blinked with the Darth Vader scenes, but that’s glass-half-empty, even though I found it just a bit frustrating. The film did a really good job of taking a step away from being about Jedi without losing sight of their significance.

    I am getting some No Doubt Tragic Kingdom liner notes-vibes from this outfit.

    Yeah, they most certainly did not ‘bomb.’

    Thor may not be particularly noteworthy cinema such as this conversation concerns, but I think that it’s a terrific “little” film that balances heart and spectacle and is better than anyone probably would’ve predicted a Thor film to be.

    A while back, it crossed my mind to rewatch Iron Will (dogsled-race Jack London-type story) when I was thinking about trains. Spacey is in that.

    Nice. It’s comforting to me that Hanson is still roaming the soundwaves, making music.

    I enjoyed this episode. I wonder how much longer the show will continue to have the Mutant Underground based out of their current home, and having the same sorts of tangles with Sentinel Services. Dillahunt and the other mutant refugees who are apparently on the way could serve to force a shift of some sort, or they

    Spiffy looking truck (livery?) too.

    “Hot [. . .], Amy Acker’s character is”

    I agree about Sentinel Services. The Garrett Dillahunt doctor guy looks as though he might make it all a lot more scary.