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    I know...Gifted? More like Wasted, amirite?

    I wonder how the X-Mem films might suffer? I guess that this question sits in my mind differently than any of the Kevin Spacey projects, since I wasn’t likely to watch them anyway.

    Tom Petty had a pretty good run of around two decades at least.

    I have a question: since you are a raptor, is the donation still T-Rex-deductible?

    Disney-Fox Merger?

    I haven’t seen any of those other characters even *trying* to get over to the Tosche Station.

    It kind of reads like, “there’s a pattern of messed-up stuff happening at Netflix, some things worse than others...” which probably (hopefully) isn’t relevant to this story. A bit of a forced connection to tap the zeitgeist.

    It seems like a generational thing - JRR Tolkien sold the film rights to just LOTR and The Hobbit back when he was alive, before the Silimarillion was published. Christopher Tolkien, who is in charge of the estate now, from what I understand is not a fan of any of the adaptions. He can’t stop the LOTR/Hobbit stuff

    I don’t know what exactly is and isn’t fair game, but I’d like a show focused primarily on Dwarves.

    It would be ideal for whatever the show is, for it to complement the films rather than repeat them.

    Now playing

    First that comes to mind is an Austin City Limits episode featuring Double Trouble with a bunch of guest musicians, specifically Johnny Lang fronting “Baby There is No One Like You.” I hadn’t listened to him before and thought he was just a teen guitar hero, but this went Mt St Helens on that:

    The one single thing that still comes to mind first when I think of Snowpiercer is how hard it was to see, given the delayed release and then limited theatrical spread. I was living in a mid-sized area in the US that usually had a good variety of films coming through, but would’ve had to drive 3+ hours to see

    Anna Paquin and Elizabeth Moss are linked. Paquin was the original choice for Top of the Lake, if I recall correctly, and now they’re both doing Margaret Atwood adaptions. That’s two things.


    It’s an odd explanation, but it checks out. Basically live-action is an extreme subgenre of animation.

    She has more rule than a...ruler.

    That, or it’ll just be My 300 Big Fat Greek Weddings and a Funeral starring Gerard Butler

    Frasier (is there an “i” in it? *nervous grasps fan credentials*)) also still holds up.

    I still think of him as Tonic guitarist Jeff Russo and it fascinates me that he’s now composing for these FX shows.

    Well, I’d go looking for themes in motivations in the film itself, and I’d probably find some there.