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    This may have been my least-favorite episode so far (it just didn’t do much for me, aside from the strong Jace-based bookend scenes) but now that I’m mostly caught up I have to chime in and say how much I’m enjoying Gifted.

    I believe that she’s a nurse.

    I kind of like the fact that some of the mutants’ powers are redundant relative to each other. It seems ‘realistic’ in the sense that they didn’t choose their mutations and can’t do anything about the fact that none of them have powers to treat gunshot wounds.

    you’re going to get a lot of support from Marvel fans

    Yeah, BvS used it as more of a marketing hook in the trailers than a significant element in the full film. It actually would’ve been a good thing to lean into more, instead of going full-guilt-complex in such a reactionary way.

    Yeah, the characters are the strength of the show. S1's actual story/plot didn’t do much for me; I guess that it did strike me as a bit lazy. But the actors and characters really work, and watching them move around such a perfectly atmospheric world, that’s enjoyable. The paranormal stuff is almost beside the point

    Here’s a thought: Imagine how it might have gone down if Jar Jar hadn’t been the off-tone, amphibious comic relief character that he is. If George Lucas had taken the technology that was clearly there and used it in such a way as to make the film better, Jar Jar would probably be the first name in the modern mo-cap

    (Jar Jar arguably not being one of them.)

    I think that audiences almost forgot that Jar Jar was a special effect. He looked pretty lifelike and speaking for myself, I actually find him more visually convincing than Gollum.

    What I get out of reading this is that NBC should order a pilot for a show that tries to make Mr. Pumpkins into the American Doctor (Who).

    Are there people saying nay about Lando’s costume?

    Those designs have become more ubiquitous than he could have possibly imagined.

    They tried to hire him, but there were too many strings attached.

    He and John Krasinski are...not the most dissimilar two people on Earth.

    I’m sure that the casting of Black Adam had everything to do with locking down The Rock in a DC role, and relatively little to do with Black Adam or Shazam as related characters.

    I find this intriguing. There’s no reason why you can’t make mature, high-quality shows that don’t hit those ‘categories’ of content. I wonder if Apple will simply skew towards more traditionally-family-oriented stuff instead.

    Who are the McElroy brothers? Genuine question, are they members of a particular band/group?

    Coldplay was first introduced to me by a trusted musical mentor as being derivative of Radiohead, but i’ve never really felt the comparison.

    Don’t cold-call them, their motto is “No Surprises (please).”

    Mr Pibb > all other soft drinks.