Mulder: After what you saw last night, after all you’ve seen, you can just walk away?
Mulder: After what you saw last night, after all you’ve seen, you can just walk away?
Using the word “saga” might undercut the notion that these films are supposed to be side-stories (even though Rogue One was kind of in-line with the other films and thus probably not the best example).
I’m really looking forward to this; I think it’s gonna be fun, and kind of like a bonus so soon after The Last Jedi.
I’m browsing this just now out of curiosity, because I’m not sure that I like this album myself.
I’m browsing this just now out of curiosity, because I’m not sure that I like this album myself.
Logan, if one counts the Wolverine films as a trilogy which granted, the time and creative changes make that a loose grouping.
What I’m saying is that whom people blamed...well, to be honest I wasn’t alive then, so I can’t speak to it from that perspective but I imagine that it was less “why is Beatle X’s wife trying to get him out of the group?” and more “Yoko seems extremely weird (from virtually any cultural perspective).”
Four months is a long time to wait for something good, but there a whole ‘nother Marvel film lurking in between now and then.
The real battle of the five armies was fought in the editing room.
Yes, it is.
Not to disagree with the point that you’re making, but Yoko Ono was a bit more of a loaded proposition than simply being non-white.
And then there’s Discovery which...someday i’ll get around to watching.
That end credits music halfway dips into the same syrup as the opening song with the soft-pop guitar notes.
The beginning of the Enterprise theme almost works when it’s just vocals and acoustic guitar, although unfortunately the Rod Steward-like (it’s not really him, I don’t believe) voice isn’t...the right fit. I’d like to see say, Star Wars expiriment with an acoustic fingerstyle-type sound track someday, but I digress.
In this case, I actually hope for a hero’s journey or big set-piece, because the haunted house thing doesn’t do much for me and based on the cast, I’ve been really looking forward to this film. It can play with different genres but I hope that it isn’t fully given over to horror. New sort-of-X-Men are a great thing.
I care.
I know that these are all well-established jokes, but I’m the guy who feels duty bound note that Boba Fett does actually earn some degree of genuine reputation with onscreen bounty-hunting, albeit very efficiently in terms of screen-time.
I misheard her first response as, “[I’m] getting married.”
Through the planet core?
Combined, their two names form an anagram for: