She is going to be in the other Winnie the Pooh biopic-ish film (because of course) that is coming out soon, Christopher Robin, along with Ewan McGregor.
She is going to be in the other Winnie the Pooh biopic-ish film (because of course) that is coming out soon, Christopher Robin, along with Ewan McGregor.
One might suggest that in seeing themselves reflected in the other, it drove home to both Vader and Luke this was their father/son, respectively.
I almost want to suggest that Superman Returns is the right answer, but then we don’t get to make the Zod joke.
I’m liking the poster a lot more than the main one for TFA. Hopefully this is what gets used theatrically.
Forget the Porgs, that icicle fox is my new MVP.
Forget the Porgs, that icicle fox is my new MVP.
I’m not a fan of the “give us badassery” movement either, but I would like to see Luke at least turn the thing on once.
Do you refer to the forthcoming anthology film Darth Previous: A Star Wars Story?
TFA is a few plot tweaks away from being fantastic, I would say. It all depends on the story seen in its entirety, which isn’t something that we can gauge from trailers, but if TLJ has all of TFA’s good qualities with a better complete, more original story, it can be great.
Stay bronze, Ponyboy!
It’s worth noting that Han was alive, *and* in perfect hibernation.
Well, you can’t be a philosopher is you can’t see your students.
<b>The AV Club</b>
If the film was releasing in two or three weeks, I might abstain. But I’m not going to put myself through that. My policy is to avoid rumors and behind-the-scenes stuff, and watch the trailer.
He’s back, in PORG form.
I went at noon on Friday, the first full day, and the theater was pretty full, but not completely. I could’ve walked in without a reserved ticket.
I didn’t watch the show and am not very familiar with Aldean in general, but is it necessary to qualify what seems to be a well-meaning gesture from someone who witnessed all of that horror firsthand by essentially calling him out for what he didn’t say? Or comparing his speech favorably to what Trump would say? (I’m…
The Wallflowers version was connected to the 1998 Godzilla film, unfortunately. I’d have been fine with it here, though.
The color intrigues me. I’m not sure how likely it is that i’ll go see this film, but the fact that it isn’t all orange and teal and BvS-black...that at least stands to be weirdly refreshing.