Salmon the fence about it, myself; it is Aquaman.
Salmon the fence about it, myself; it is Aquaman.
How can you write about a trailer with Abbie Cornish in it and not even mention Abbie Cornish?
I still feel like that connection was a bit tenuous, but I guess that it held up to scrutiny.
I have no comment to make about Coldplay—other than the fact that them playing “Live Forever” with Liam Gallagher for the Manchester concert really moved me—but I think that it’s a compliment to Tom Petty as a songwriter that just about anyone can probably find one of his songs that they feel comfortable singing, and…
In theory I’m really excited for this, because Boyega seems like exactly what the original needed, but I feel like I’m going to miss the offshore-at-night aesthetic. I know that it bothered some people for reasons of low-visibility, but I really enjoyed the uniquely atmospheric feel that it gave the action.
The DVD/Blu-ray can sometimes be found for very cheap.
It’s difficult to separate these things sometimes, but if you somehow erased the associations with David Lynch and the Frank Herbert novel, what would Dune be? I’m honestly not sure, but my instinct is that it wouldn’t be worth mentioning for anything other than production design.
I don’t conduct surveys of close associates, but I’d imagine that a lot of the people that I know enjoyed Avatar and would have something positive to say about it. I’m taking it for granted that they’d have straight faces as well.
Is that not Amy Adams in the header?
Yeah, I might say “Room at the Top” for my favorite. Poignant track, all in-the-moment with gorgeous little sparkly tones around the edges.
The odds of Rogue getting her due in the sense of depiction that is more satisfying to comic readers than the films have been...seems unlikely on this show, even if she did appear.
The Fifth Element is the best space-opera film of the past thirty years, and possibly the most entertaining film I’ve ever seen.
Electric LucyLiu - we have our new star!
Lucy is so wacky that it didn’t even occur to me that it might be pretentious, although I suppose that it is.
It’s astonishing to see someone who is such a complete blend of all the qualities that can go into being a rock star. Prince wasn’t just a singer or a songwriter or a performer or a monster musician; he was all of those things, and watching him is watching someone channel pure energy into music.
I’ll go out on a minor limb and say that Petty might be the most timeless artist of the entire rock era. He’s been multi-generational for a generation—my dad liked him just about the same as I and my teenaged peers did, and that was...way too long ago already.
I’m not acting like there were no Marvel films in-between, or at least I did not intend to. I know that there were several films released between Iron Man and Avengers, but thinking of it like this:
This is a good thing, obviously. So kudos to WB for realizing what would make a better way forward.
Well, one could say that while Wonder Woman was never going to be a crossover film because of its time-period-setting, I think that the point is that being freed from having to connect WW to other characters, that freedom allowed Patty Jenkins and the writers to focus more on simply making a good movie.
Gouda catch.