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    I’m not even a Harry Potter fan myself, but I think that with the exception of Buffy, Potter stands apart pretty clearly from the other big fandoms in that it coincided directly with the rise of the internet and the people who grew up with those books are the generation that is the core fandom/convention/etc mass

    It’s a nice look, although I find myself wondering if film Jedi will ever wear something other than black or earth tones. Maybe their philosophy dictates limits on color choices.

    I’ll buy that Stranger Things does good character work, and that added to its undeniably front-and-center nostalgic atmosphere is what makes it work. However, I found myself soundly unimpressed with the plot, so I still find the show to be somewhat hollow.

    Hook is spielberga mastwrpieces.

    Hook is spielberga mastwrpieces.

    Exhilarating at best.

    I mean, I'll admit that most of the Star Wars films have been decent-at-best when reckoned as we do most films, but as a saga, a modern mythology, a thing bigger than films, the hooks are in.

    I feel a great sense of unsettlementent, as that of many Bothans preparing to die, etc.

    Because I've been out of touch a few days—has the 'account transition' thing been rolled out yet, whereby we can claim our identies in Kinjaland?

    The Old Republic, KOTOR or not, is the easiest 'other' setting for Star Wars whenever Lucasfilm decides that a big change up is in order.

    Although you'll hear some people talk about Rogue One 'fixing a plot hole' by way of the Death Star details, I'd say that the film's strength and substance lies in simply a heroic tale of a bunch of new-to-us characters.

    Han is a guy with a lot of space in his colorful past as a gunslinging smuggler. Adventures galore, presumably.

    Out of curiousity, why do you say that?

    Star Wars optimist here, huge Ewan McGregor fan and this is the one anothologu idea that i'll actually say I think isn't really inspiring. Generally speaking, fans seem crazy for this, though.

    It's a case of adjacent-convenience.

    A single, enormous statue of Obama with one foot on each shore of Chesapeake Bay, the 'Colossus of Rhode Island.'

    As a Mclachlan fan, I refuse to symbolically license her music to Confederate statue-mourners.

    *can't come up with good joke about eating signs*

    It's not so much a contest of good versus evil as it is a tale of top men, top men on many sides.

    Well, he was regularly being tracked by IMDB.