
This is Warren shutting this issue down”

If that’s what you call her making herself look stupid, then ok.


While her family story is lovely, the fact that she has native blood that is 6 to 10 generations removed is not the same thing as being of Native American heritage. I too can trace my own indigenous heritage to my great-great-grandmother who was a full blood member of the Choctaw tribe. This is not mere

I’m so glad I’m not the only one. Every single morning for one brief moment I hold hope that Donald Trump is over.

Google, set news alert for "President of United States, Fucking Dead."

Same. We're toast if we don't wipe the floor next month

The argument for Kavanaugh’s technical honesty is that Casey v Planned Parenthood matters far more than Roe v Wade in terms of beating back TRAP laws/etc. So he’s standing behind the lesser standard and pretending there’s no difference to give “moderates" cover.

All that “respecting Roe v. Wade as settled precedent” means is that it will require the SC to come out and say that it is overturned in an opinion. It is far different from saying he’ll respect it as “settled law, “the right answer,” or “a fundamental right.” She is either horribly naive or willfully helping him obfu

other’s have pointed it out, but they don’t need to overturn Roe (and likely won’t) to functionally make Abortion illegal. They just need to keep expanding the line of cases that basically stand for “we’ll, the states can’t BAN abortion outright, but really it’s their call when the definition of “life” begins to such

Does this make you want to get out? For me, it does. Not that other countries are soooo much better. Few are, most maybe not. But this shit, this shit I KNOW. Guess it's a fork of sticking my head in the sand

Fair. But I am also okay with pissing them off in perpetuity

Actually we do, and then White racists pull us back, time and time again.

You’re right. It’ll take decades, centuries, maybe even millennia of work. So we’d better get started.

nah. it is, because we (women) are. it’s just time to get all these old, entitled white men out of power. bring in some younger folx with fresher ideas, and a willingness to try. that’s what keeps me going. my vote, and the fact that i finally have a decent senatorial candidate to vote for in texas. we have a long way

This happens everywhere, not just America. Point is, we are at a moment where it could tip any which way; that’s not not when you give up and go home, but rather become more ferocious and tenacious in fighting the good fight.

I believe that was the basic message of Trump voters. And here we are looking at a really and truly fucked America.

But that’s where I keep all my stuff though!

Maybe something will finally happen to change it. Nah, there’s TV shows to binge watch.

It pains me to say this because DC and Maryland are where I was born and raised, but I really think we should just leave them there and let them run the country they want. The rest of us can move to California and start a new state.