
It’s not going to fix ALL the problems, but it will definitely fix one of them.

I hope this is a joke because otherwise it’s pathetic. There is literally no worse consequence than electing George W. Bush (no need to even get into Trump). He is directly responsible for America’s worst foreign policy blunder (which President Gore would certainly not have engaged in) leading to the deaths of at

Somebody tell Trump about Seamus so he can do some epic dog-related burns (his favorite kind).

It’s very important that everyone remember that Trump promised to defeat ISIS in 30 days. That was literally his promise. Anything else is a failure.

Correction: This article initially used the word “alleged” to describe Epstein as a pedophile, but c’mon . . .  is that really necessary?

Purple is one of the lamest colors.

Considering her entire family’s fame and wealth can be directly attributed to that sex tape, I’d say doing drugs appears to be a great idea.

Let me just say, “no” - to all the current contenders, just, “no”. None of you can beat Trump, just stop. Oprah needs to step up and run. People who argue that we shouldn’t debase ourselves by running a celebrity are stupid and old. America is dumb and needs a shiny object. The presidency is a performance, Trump has

I don’t really think that it’s homophobic to say that Lindsey has staked his entire life and identity around being in the closet and that he has clearly been threatened with exposure. It’s just like, “Lindsey, it’ll be OK, the world will embrace you, you don’t have to be afraid anymore. You can still believe all the

I want her to be president so bad, but also, I want her to be spared the suffering that would inevitable go with that.

You address the problem by taking and holding power by whatever means necessary. And when you gain that power you implement your preferred policies, again, by whatever means necessary. There is no middle of road, there is no negotiation and there is no other time where political conditions will magically be better

Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…” Churchill.

Fuck them and all you lazy ass bitches who can’t be bothered to do literally your only civic duty. Hope you choke on the coming fascism because it’s what you deserve.

This restaurant has terrible food, and the portions are too small!

We now officially live in the era of political violence. There is no going back from this point. The only calculus, now, is who is willing to be the most ruthless and to wield power vindictively. Spoiler alert: progressives will lose.

What kind of dumb idiot puts pictures of palm trees on the walls of their house, in L.A. You know you can just look outside, right?

That’s right, she cannot win. Trump weaponizes shame and she has amply demonstrated her ability to be shamed into jumping through hoops that he designed. Not just her, either. Harris can’t do it, Booker can’t do it, Biden can’t do it. They are all going to try to be better than Trump and talk about ideas, about how “I

Donald Trump, the king of the birthers, is now president. His army of chuds all still fully believe that Obama is a communist kenyan demon. She is playing on his field, not her own. 

Obama should have told them to go fuck off as well. These chuds deserve no answer because they aren’t asking in good faith.

Again, whether she fudged something or not, the point is that Donald Trump is an inveterate liar, and none of his lies hurt him in any way, because he has no shame. The fact that she answered it any way, means she is capable of shame and will always be exploitable, regardless of any one fact.