
1. There’s only been five times that the electoral result didn’t match the popular result.

I mean, 1) five times out of 50-ish? elections is a 10% failure rate. Two of those times have been within the past 20 years and resulted in two of the worst presidents in American history.

I am generally against abolishing the Electoral College, but I don’t know that I have strong arguments for that position. the best I could do would be to repost pieces from WaPo and others, which basically say:

Alas, I agree with you, gilbertkittens.  The USA has walked over a very tall cliff and is arguing with itself all the way to the faraway canyon floor.  Sometimes I hate knowing so much history.

Returning the U.S. to a strategy of isolation rather than intervention has been one of the planks of Trump’s “America First” platform since his 2016 campaign.

Exactly. Coming out would probably boost his political career, rather than tank it. The GOP could trot him out all the time to show how “welcoming” and “inclusionary” they are and how they celebrate “diversity.” Win-win, Lindsey!

the modern GOP would probably welcome you as a beard for all their nefarious anti-LGBTQ agenda

I agree, and honestly it’s kind of precious that he thinks we don’t all know already.

I think that it’s very heartening to know that the Obamas went to marriage counselling, considering how genuinely happy they seem to be.

Just when you think you can’t love this incredible woman any more.

“President Trump believes in a free press and expects and welcomes tough questions of him and his Administration.”

At a certain point, though, you have to be able to call bullshit what it is. If people want to find nonsensical arguments or positions in order to justify their decision to not vote, what’s the point in listening.

you “tend to vote”. PEOPLE HAVE DIED for the right to vote. And you don’t give a single shit about anybody but yourself. Why do you need politicians or others to cater to your specific interests or else you won’t vote? How about voting for the benefit of other people? You’re lazy and entitled, period. 

Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.

This is a faked story clearly dreamt up by Communist Clinton and Overspend Obama to hurt Republicans in the midterms!” - My dad, more than likely

Clearly there are very fine people on both sides

“Oh yeah? Well the Jerk store called, and they’re running out of YOU!”

This is why we need tax cuts for the 1%. How are they supposed to afford the ultra luxuriousness of Versailles if they only have the resources for an overpriced Ikea warehouse?!??!

>>I’d recommend a full psychological review to test this hypothesis.

Remember how hard you laughed the first time you watched the episode of ‘Seinfeld’ where George said “Jerry, just remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it.”