Okay maybe it’ll be more of a murder/suicide thing.
Okay maybe it’ll be more of a murder/suicide thing.
This is fine, we’ll just make being a douchebag punishable by death when we take over thereby eliminating the troublesome half of America.
Was the first civil war necessary? If not, you are saying that slavery is a-ok.
How else are we supposed to travel when a Republican is president?
We rule at that.
No we let them get re-racist.
I hear you, but you have to admit that Trump is the perfect know-nothing asshole president for the America that we have become.
We deserve it. I am done pretending that they nicest coastal liberals are not also at fault here. We are.
Our international reputation was just barely saved by the election of Obama, but now it is clear that Obama was the exception and Trump is the rule.
Not if we treated them like post-war Germany or Japan.
New York hates Trump - and we tried to warn everyone, loudly, that he sucked, but you all didn’t listen. Also, we didn’t vote for him, in droves.
Nobody does, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t necessary some times.
Germany was literally ground to dust, first.
Trump’s portrait will hang in the White House forever, or until there is no longer a USA. The rest of the world now knows, for certain, that we are simply not trustworthy - for a hegemony, that is unsustainable.
Trump is a symptom, not the cause.
Trump is a symptom, not the cause.
At least hose guys aren’t hypocrites about it.
I was thinking more like, the north should have destroyed the south, occupied them and then said, “you know what, now that we have half-civilized you, you hicks can go fuck yourselves, you’re not worth the trouble.”
He’s a grade-A American asshole. We make the best assholes in the whole world. Hands down.