Sorry. We are idiots.
Sorry. We are idiots.
America is forever tainted, as in America is the worlds taint, forever. The presidency of Donald Trump has infected us, we will never recover and, quite frankly, we don’t deserve to recover. Allowing this piece of shit to be president means that we deserve every bad thing that will ever happen to us. Tearing the…
I’m on team Vanessa.
But I thought that kids were our most precious assets.
Can we just shut this whole thing down and go home? By “this thing”, I mean America, and by “home”, I mean death.
This reminds me of that asteroid smashing spaceship they floated last week. They’re all like: “were just developing this technology in the totally impossible off chance that an asteroid comes within 10,000 miles of earth.” Meanwhile what they really mean is, there’s an asteroid pointed directly at the middle of earth…
She’s all like, “what do you think of my Cathy cartoon’s now that you are missing all your fingernails!”
I’m sorry, but that looks like one sadistic human, right out of central casting.
Gotta keep Eric Prince happy so he doesn’t spill the beans.
Porn is bad.
Look, I know it’s exactly what the gun manufacturers want, but guns aren’t going anywhere until a bunch of pissed off liberals (preferably non-white liberals) start paramilitary training in upstate NY. Probably not even then, but calls to reason will not get the job done.
That Betsy Devos is even allowed within 50 feet of a school is a testament to why this country is doomed.
Can we just return to this morbid detail in the “ties are too long” file?
It’s simply an accurate description.
I wonder if this dotard’s harried aides can figure out some way to print out a game of GTA on loose leaf paper so he can have the faintest idea what he’s talking about.
I take it as a personal insult that this c+ Santa Monica fascist isn’t all hopped up on executive speed at all times.
Trump does not deserve to be treated fairly, only to be mocked mercilessly.
This is hell world. The fact that the next Democratic president’s administrative appointments will be judged as fit or not depending on personal merits, experience, achievements is going to drive me absolutely insane. Everyone should realize that the fact that Trump’s portrait will hang in the white house for as long…