
Can someone turn off hate-barbie over there? Her humanity chip seems to be malfunctioning.

You have to legitimately give Trump props for “Little Marco”. It’s not a big thing, but it’s one of the few positive things he’s contributed to the world. He is one of the smallest, vilest creatures on earth.

It’s so lame that we continue to pretend like any of this matters. Trump already tells the Russians, directly, all of our most sensitive secrets.

Definitely, they definitely will get away with it.

These “people” are our enemies now, and they will continue to be our enemies until Civil War 2 settles it once and for all. Of course, they could just be Russian trolls trying to get me to say exactly that, in which case “mission accomplished comrades!”

That is not what I am saying. You don’t know the result of the course of action I am advocating, anymore than I do. It is also possible that an energized Democratic party inspired by the clear-eyed statement of fact and purpose could electorally overcome Republican resistance to the actual common-sense position which

The worst case scenario, from what you describe, is just a continuation of the status quo.

The Republicans seem to have pulled off their complete opposite position with 20% or so public support and in a country with voting so anything’s possible.

You are most likely correct.

I am the OP, I think.

Americans have been trying to reform campaign finance funding since 1867. I think it’s been studied enough.

Compromise is exactly what produced our current quagmire of a shithole. If you allow the NRA a seat at the table, they will win. The Bumpstocks Ban was the fucking fig-leaf compromise and it fucking failed!

There is no way you could design, on purpose, a worse system than our current campaign finance clusterfuck. Plenty of people have been thinking about campaign finance reform for a long time, just because you don’t have a fucking clue doesn’t mean everyone else should be dragged down to your level.

I mean everyone here now who wants to stay goes through a years-long process of gaining citizenship, being allowed to continue working in the meantime. Then, make applying for and receiving US citizenship much easier, increase levels of allowable immigration. None of this would or could happen anyway. Point being,

Got news for you HamNo NYC is a piece of shit too. There’s nowhere left to run .

You mean like 18 school shootings in the first two months of 2018? Trampled like that? You mean like the NRA getting to pick the president, trampled like that? Inaction has consequences too.

Talking about it is just an exercise in providing cover for not doing anything. How about, instead, we just do it, and if it has unforeseen consequences, we do something else?

Republicans are literally the enemy of humanity. If we continue to allow them to wield political power, we are complicit in their crimes.

Then that’s what needs to happen, or we just need to stop pretending like these mass-killings really matter to us as a country. Any “bi-partisan discussion about sensible gun-control” will simply have the same null result it always does.