
Democrats have one option: push for full amnesty and legalization. Forget DACA, it’s not going to get solved. Just like gun control. Forget it, push for a complete ban on guns. Forget Citizens United, push for full public funding of campaigns. The time for half-measures is over. If they don’t get with the program the

Republicans want to kill our kids. It’s as simple as that. They are child-killers.

Welp, that’s it. They won. I officially don’t care about any of this shit anymore. Completely exhausted, past the point of no return. Trump could fuck a basket of kittens and my reaction would be, “par for the course”.

Seeing as this is hell world, things are actually going pretty well.

Me too, but honestly, at this point I just feel that the time for strategy is past. It’s time for straight up shaming and blaming, loudly.

Omarosa getting rich off this means that capitalism needs to be burnt to the ground, like, yesterday.

Fuck you, you fucking scumbag. You are not allowed to express remorse now. We don’t want it, we don’t need it. This is your fault and you should carry that shame with you every day for the rest of your life. Fuck Ross too, for not spitting in your face as you try to pretend like you fucking care!

Here’s what I believe you are too young to know (though who knows you may be an old fart too): If the “economy” continues to “do well” under Trump, as it likely will, we are all going to get treated to another 30 year orgy of conventional wisdom about the miracle of supply-side economics. The internal politics of the

And you reveal your own blinders in return, I didn’t create jack shit, that’s called the real world. Doug Jones IS a piece of shit. Even so, I don’t want Roy Moore in a position of power in the America I live in, and if I were unlucky enough to live in Alabama, I’d hold my nose and vote for him.

So who are you going to vote for when the choice is between Doug Jones and Roy Moore? The green party candidate?

This is a two party system. The DSA, or any other significantly organized group to the left of the Democratic party, will not win enough seats in the house or senate to dictate anything, ever. At least in a system that resembles anything like the USA as we know it today. That’s not cynicism, it’s a plain political

Yeah the Democratic party has only be responsible for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare why would anyone believe that they’d be all in on the biggest entitlement of all time?

I never said everyone was going to like it - certainly not big pharma.

#1 That’s how universal health care systems control costs. Look it up.

Sorry Kinja doesn’t make it clear which bit of incoherence you are referring to.

There’s only one set of traitors in this country, and it’s the ones currently swapping spit with Valdimir Putin - a guy, BTW, that the right has been professing a deep and abiding love for, for years now.

It CAN pass if enough democrats get elected. Do you honestly believe that they wouldn’t pass it if they had the ability to do so?

Your only option is violent revolution, you do realize that, right? There’s no world where a bunch of DSA get peacefully elected in the USA and can suddenly make a meaningful change to the US’s generally capitalist posture.