
So Elizabeth Warren isn’t populist enough for you?

Uh, no it isn’t “an approach that assesses the truth of meaning of theories or beliefs in terms of the success of their practical application.”

OK, The government passes a law that says every medical treatment and medication now costs 50% of what it cost yesterday. Done.

Universal Health Care was not a possibility in ‘08. But Obamacare, for all it’s failings, created an expectation, even among Republicans, that the government was going to be involved in paying for healthcare. Saying “nothing has changed” is just you saying that you can’t perceive the changes that have occurred. If the

There is nothing pragmatic about spitting in Kamala Harris’s (our whoever’s) face when she offers to support single-payer just because she also happens to have taken campaign contributions from big pharma.

Again, all of the major contenders for the 2020 Dem nomination have endorsed Bernie’s single-payer bill. I assume you just think they are lying, but based on who a large percentage of them are, and where they base clearly is, I think that’s an incorrect assumption.

So basically, because they ran the candidate that you don’t like in 2016, no matter what they say in 2020 you are going to vote for Gary Johnson, got it.

They are too expensive because private health care systems makes them expensive. Did you even look at that fucking chart? The US spends 8K per person per year, Norway spends 5k per person per year. It costs them less, because the government requires it to cost less.

Every major contender for the nomination has endorsed Bernie’s bill, what else do you want them to do at this point?

If you can’t see that the difference between Sanders shouting into the wind, by himself, over universal health care and 16 senate democrats, including most, if not all, of the contenders for the nomination in 2020, represents a significant and serious upgrade of the Dems progressive intentions then I just don’t know

Pandering and doing what the base wants are the same thing and result in getting more votes, i.e., power.

Every other universal health care system in the world costs less then ours, per capita, by a large order of magnitude. I’m sorry, but you are simply ill informed.

That is literally the only major issue that Dems are going to run on in 2020 so far.

#1 in ‘92 Clinton Care was exactly that, and it got it’s ass handed to it by the insurance companies.

Joe Manchin should just join the Republican party like he wants to.