
You do understand that you pay alot of money, currently, for health insurance, right? A medicare for all bill simply moves that money from a private system which wastes money to a public one that (based on every single other industrialized nation) doesn’t.

They will, in 2020. As it stands, the bill will not be introduced, because power.

That’s because Democrats care about humans. HamNo’s whole thesis is that we need to stop being Trotsky and start being Stalin.

If Democrats could, they’d vote for medicare for all. It’s practically the party platform by now - every 2020 contender will be required to endorse it.

Republicans have forgotten that when it comes to throwing read meat at the mob, the Populari always win. Democrats have forgotten that they are the Populari.

Eventually it will just solve itself, but it’ll be messy.

Yes, yes, yes. Democrats didn’t start this gun fight, but if they continue to pretend as though we are somehow, magically, going to resurrect Tip and the Gipper guzzling cocktails, they will lose in 2018 and 2020 and basically our class trip to dystopia will be permanent. Well, in truth, it probably already is, but at

Look, I don’t want to sound like a Russian-bot trying to get Americans to hate each-other more, but how/why are we supposed to live in peace with people like this?

Facts are fine, but Trump’s army of dotards, bought the entire conspiracy theory, 100%, hook-line-and-sinker. They would be more than happy to kill every last liberal in the country to stop Donald Trump from going to jail, facts be damned.

I think it’s time to stop being polite. The Republican party (with the exception of a few old-timers) is an enemy of the state, and it is being controlled by a hostile foreign power. If we the people don’t stop it, by any means necessary, this country will collapse.

I gotta tell you, as a white-skinned person, I am getting pretty fucking sick of white people.

The only way this ends is with a civil war, I mean like, the real kind, not a bunch of mean tweets from wannabe nazi’s.

50% of these idiots voted for Donald Trump. There ain’t no fixin’ somethin’ this broke.

From left to right, Brett Lichtman, Sydney Blumstein and her brother Cole Blumstein just bought a building in artsy East Williamsburg even though they knew the L train would close.

Jesus Fucking Christ, do we really need to do this, by which, I mean, pretend that anything anyone says ever again will matter? AMERICA IS A PILE OF SHIT AND ALWAYS WILL BE REGARDLESS OF WHATEVER WE MAY ACCOMPLISH IN THE FUTURE BECAUSE THIS DOTARD WAS ALLOWED TO BE PRESIDENT FOR EVEN ONE SECOND. End of story.

America is an awful place filled with awful, greedy, self-centered assholes. He is literally the perfect American President.

Unity, as in, we will eventually kill everyone who doesn’t agree with us, and then we will all agree!

So, I guess it’s OK to steal peoples babies now?

Teflon Don managed to escape Katrina X 1000. This truly is hell world.