
That is why . . .

The great thing about parenting advice is that it is all, 100% of it, wrong.

Nope, now I just hate myself (which, realistically, she probably does as well).

The problem with that is that the anti-semites of 18th and 19th century Europe were, generally, well-educated, familiar with the classics, and the historical roots of anti-semitism. They, as Sartre says, were capable of shame. Not so, today’s variety. They are toothless hicks who are not even smart enough to know what

I would like to be mean to Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

They’re not wrong. Politics is power or it’s just a bunch of useless shouting. Frankly, it’s working pretty well for them in case you didn’t notice.

They only have two choices, both are ultimately losers. They can sink to the level of Republicans, which will inevitably, eventually produce a civil war. Or they can continue to be the responsible adults, in which case they will lose every political fight.

What happens on the 8th is irrelevant to the big picture. Democrats either go lowest common denominator like the Republicans, eventually resulting in a civil war, or they cave in the interest of comity, in which case they continue to lose to the nihilists.

McConnell will just bring a bill to the floor that says something like, “DACA recipients are now protected Americans, but they are required by law to vote Republican.” Dems will say, “Geez, that doesn’t seem fair, but we don’t want to destroy America over it or anything extreme like that” and the exact same thing will

The Dems will just cave again in February. This is hell world. They have no political power, and refuse to completely destroy the American government. Therefore, Republicans will always win, because they ARE willing to destroy the American government.

Democrats will still wimp out at the first sign of trouble. It’s just “what they do”.

That’s it, shut down the government, permanently.

The reason that I know, for sure, that this will not go anywhere is that taking down the NRA and Trump at the same time would simply be to good to be true. #fakenews


Put it this way: “I really don’t like how Stalin is killing 50 million of my fellow Russian’s but not so much that I would vote against his agrarian reforms in the Duma.” Does that sound reasonable?

As long as a sitting politician fears Trump’s base - no amount of posturing by a quitter is going to make any difference .

Continuing to act like a Republican in the face of an existential threat while repeatedly calling that threat existential is pretty much the definition of hypocrisy.

The entire point of this speech is that Trump is uniquely dangerous (as bad as Stalin!), a statement that is true. But if it is true, simply voting party-line with your buddies is at best an inadequate response, and at worse, well, you know . . .

That is, in fact, the only logical conclusion of the statement: Trump is as bad as Joseph Stalin.
