
In the American-brain binary win/loss sense, anything that makes it through the senate is a win for Trump. Who wrote what bill doesn’t matter at this point - they are all making the same correct calculation: Trump is a an evil child, who will sign whatever they send him.

I am all in on #girtherism.

Someone who was ACTUALLY THIS SCARED of Donald Trump would find a way in a 51/49 senate to fuck his, and by extension his enabling party’s, bizness up. That Flake is unwilling to do this in any meaningful way means that he is just grandstanding for future historians. Thanks alot buddy, but America could use your help,

Yeah, but everyone actually from New York hates his guts. Also, Lincoln was racist and only signed the emancipation proclamation after the union couldn’t be saved without war. What’s your point?


How long do you think it would take for them to get all jealous and try to invade us?

Except for the millions of innocent people who would die as a result, I totally agree.

We all know what happened last time the racists got all uppity and felt like they didn’t like getting lectured in morality by a bunch of snooty yankees? Does anyone really think history is not ultimately going to repeat itself here?

You know what country is a real shithole (other than this one)? Slovenia.

You forgot to mention that the two youtube Paul’s are somehow, for some reason, Trump supporters.

God is all like, “leave me the fuck out of this you sick, twisted fuckers!”

Pretty sure, even though this a joke account, this is the definition of pwning.

Time for the motherfucking pitchforks!

These cunts don’t know/don’t care what it actually takes, financially, to live in America. Your shitty little $2000 child tax credit hardly pays for one fucking month of childcare! Fuck them, fuck this shit, fuck the whole thing!

If you accept as a given that a crystal is capable of emitting a coherent laser that just sits there in a given space with no obvious containment field, then why are you questioning any use of technology in the SW universe at all?


I am closing in on claiming that TLJ is in the top 3, maybe higher, but I need to see it again.

People who don’t like TLJ are whiny babies. Period.

I was remembering the scene in the cave on Dagobah. At the time it seemed to simply be foreshadowing that Vader was his dad. But TLJ makes a call back to that scene in a much more powerful way; Luke is not all good, no one is all good, he is both evil and good, like all real things in a real world. This is how you

These are all awesome and make me love the movie even more. Anyone who whinges about, complaining about the Rey’s parents reveal is a baby. End of story. This makes the entire SW universe a better place to tell stories in, not in spite of the fact, but especially because, it’s not all good vs. evil simplicity for